13+ Journal Prompts To Reset Your Life Today
I don’t feel there’s better therapy than Journaling. It’s easy, and provides the writer a sense of calmness. Journaling is one of the best way to cure mental trauma and sadness. I have personally tried it an have got great results while not spending a penny in medication.
Other than healing mental trauma, you can also use Journaling to completely reset your life. I have seen some of my friends become a new version of themselves within a year by following a optimistic journaling routing.
So, in this post I’ll share some Journaling Prompts that’ll help you ask questions about yourself in order to change your life for good.
Journaling Can Literally Change Your Life !
Journaling Prompts
- Is there anything wrong with my lifestyle?
You need to ask yourself some hard-hitting questions to begin a life-reset. And this is the first question you should ask yourself. Is there anything wrong with my lifestyle? If you really ask this question to yourself and try to receive answer, you’ll intuitively know whether you’re following a good lifestyle or a bad one.
- What is your calling? Are you following it?
More people give away their dreams just because they don’t know how to follow their calling. And people who don’t follow their calling are often sad because they fail to connect. Try not to fall in the same category. Discovering your calling. And when you do, it won’t take much time to change yourself.
- What mistakes I need to avoid to reset my life?
We all make mistakes! But how quickly you rectify it matters a lot. You’re bound to make mistakes when you start resetting your life. Your task is to be aware and note down each and every mistake you make. After you make a list, start working on those mistakes. You’ll learn that once you learn from those mistakes, your life will change fast.
- Are you sacrificing your peace for someone else’s sake?
Don’t be the Good Guy! Be the person you want to be. To be honest, being a people pleaser is a sin and if you’re one of them, then you need to get out of it fast. You should keep yourself at the top. Make yourself the top priority for yourself! Life will become better if you do so.
- What is my strongest mental strength?
If you have a weakness, you sure have strengths. Ask yourself: What is my strongest mental strength? It’s also one of the easiest way to discover your calling when nothing seems to work. Your mental strength is one weapon you can use all throughout your life when a situation turn against you.
- How do I want to see myself when this year ends?
I have always believed in visualization to achieve something. Whether it’s material success or mental peace. And that should be same for you too! How do you want to see yourself at the end of this year? Do you see yourself as someone who has already achieved the goal, or someone who hasn’t progressed even one step? I hope it’s the former.
- What is the worst possible scenario if I don’t reset my life?
Knowing about the positive and negative is always a great way to gauge anything. Do this one day. Just sit quietly either with a pen & paper or without any. Think of the worst situations that can arrive if you don’t reset your life? it’s better if you write them. Do this and you’ll discover something really important.
- How would you spend your time if this was your last day alive?
Few years ago I learned about this woman who got separated from her family during WWII. Before being separated she quarrelled with her younger brother about something. She never met her family again. The separation & the quarrel impacted her so much that she promised herself that she would always live her life as if that was her last day. This is great way to live! If you you embrace such high quality in your life, resetting your life won’t be any issue.
- What are the things I can eliminate from my life?
Elimination is a way to decrease burden. Now, it depends where your burden lies. If burden lies in your mind, get rid of it quick. On the other hand, if it lies in you house or surrounding, then get rid of it as soon as possible. Elimination also makes thing simple, which is necessary to reset your life to the best version.
- Would I miss something if I didn’t have it?
My grandmother has a bottle which is at least 40 years old. She is so attached to it. It’s like the bottle is her baby. Now think what would happen to her if we forcefully take it from her. Or if she lost it? Do you have something as memorable as my grandma’s bottle? Okay, not so intense, but even a little is fine. If not get rid of the things that you won’t miss/regret.
- Are my relationships toxic?
Are your relationships toxic? It doesn’t have to be a relationship with you partner. It can be your friend or colleague. If you have felt that a certain person’s presence in your life is toxic, get rid of them as soon as possible. Write a list of people you often meet, and list them in terms of toxicity. The person who comes at the top is the person you have get away from. They will literally destroy your life & turn it to hell.
- How would I be if nobody was watching me?
People have different personalities. They maintain a fake persona when they are with people, and reveal their real persona when alone. Observe how you behave when you’re completely alone and nobody is watching you. Do you have negative emotions or positive emotions? If you’re happy and think of dancing or singing while alone, you’re good. If not, then it’s a red flag!
- Is my life clutter-free?
As I’ve briefly touched before, a clutter-free life is a minimalist life. Of course it doesn’t always has to be minimalist, but most of the time when you clean up all the clutter, you’ll only find something that’s important for your daily needs. Try to maintain a clutter-free life and you’ll have less issues with everyday chores.
- Do I choose courage over comfort?
Think of a situation like this: You have to choose any one between courage & comfort. Which one would you choose? Maybe you will choose courage just for the sake of this questions, but deep inside we all want to live in comfort. Unfortunately, comfort will not take you too far, but courage will! In fact, if you don’t have courage, you won’t be able to reset your life.
- Can I imagine myself the person I want to be when this year ends?
I’m totally into Visualization. I visualize for almost everything I will come across. You also should embrace this habit to visualize a favorable scenario about yourself. If you can imagine yourself as the person you want to be, then you have pretty much made it. Because you have the clarity to achieve something, your subconscious mind won’t take much time to set it into motion.
- Is it finally the time to Let Go?
Not gonna life, Letting Go is NOT EASY! People claim it’s just a simple step, but people with serious issues do have a hard time coping up with letting something leave their life. They want to let it go, but just cannot. As a final advice, I’ll advice you to let go off everything that has happened in the past and move on. Shed your old skin and become new you.
Are You Ready To Reset Your Life?
Are you really ready to reset your life for good? If yes, then please keep in mind these things.
1. Lethargy & Procrastination WILL Affect Your Productivity
One issue most people face while trying to reset their life is the lack of enthusiasm. They fail to carry on the same intensity and finally lose all the steam after some time. This is a common problem with most people who try to hard-reset their life. Be aware of it and don’t fall into that pit.
2. Take baby steps (don’t try to do too much too soon)
This is another one! Trying to complete a task as quick as possible WILL lead to burnout. The best way to tackle is to change your life one step at a time. Don’t try to change everything in one day. At the end of the day you might either end-up frustrated or leave it altogether.
3. Build a mood board.
Mood Board is in trend right now. Everyone is creating a personal mood board and organizing their life as much as possible. You can do it too with your life. Create a mood board featuring the new you. Visualize yourself already living the life you want to by the end of the year. Visualization accelerates your chances of success.
4. Be grateful even for little success. The subconscious mind loves encouragement.
The Buddha was grateful for almost everything in his life. Not that he didn’t face any problems and hardships, but being grateful for everything helped him spend his life happily. This is the power of gratefulness. A small & simple gesture can turn your and everyone’s life upside down. Don’t curse yourself for oh so little success, rather, be grateful.