11 Negative Morning Habits You Need To Quit Right Now
Morning is one of the most crucial part of our daily life. Whatever you do in the morning seems to have a snowball affect throughout the day. Hence, it’s pretty important to make mornings as good as possible.
In this post I have list the 11 Negative Morning Habits You Need To Quit Right Now. Quitting these 11 bad habits will ensure that everyday is a good day for you. No matter what happens throughout the day, if you make you mornings good, the entire is automatically set into motion for something good.
Habit 1: Hitting The Snooze Button
What is the first thing you do when you alarm rings? If you wake up right away, congrats, you have already succeed at one of the toughest morning tasks. Unfortunately, most people fail to wake up and choose to hit the snooze button hoping to sleep 10 minutes.
While 10 minutes may seem a lot, it actually isn’t. It’s laziness that convinces you to take another 10 minutes of sleep. I don’t know whether you have noticed it, but once your alarm rings and you hit the snooze button, you subconsciously know that the alarm is going to ring again. This thought won’t let you sleep for long.
Hence, snoozing the alarm clock not only wastes your time, but also makes you more lazy. At most you should snooze only once. After which you should leave your bed and start your day.
Habit 2: Social Media Scrolling
Nice! you are not fully awake. What now? Don’t tell me you are scrolling through cat videos on YouTube. Or any other social media platform to be precise. Trust me, using social media right after waking up is the worst thing. You get no value from it. In fact, most of the time social media will make you sad and confused.
You can switch off you mobile phone before you sleep and only switch it ON after you leave bed. If you don’t want to switch you phone off for emergency purposes, then you can switch off internet connection and disable notifications.
Believe me, decreasing social media use alone can make your life way better than most people around you. Switch scrolling through social media with reading books. Yes, it’ll be boring at first, but the rewards will be far greater.
Habit 3: Negative Self-Talk
Unfortunately, negative self-talk is pretty common is most people. They are negative about themselves before they know it, and when things go south they wonder how that happened. You might not believe but negative self-talk is directly linked to childhood conditioning. If you grew up in an environment where people mostly talked negative about themselves, then you too would grow up like that.
Law of Attraction is all about eliminating negative self-talk and replacing them with positive. Anything you say to yourself affects your subconscious mind, which later affects your life.
Trust me, if you really want to see positive change in your life, replace negative self-talk with positive. You’ll see miracle happen in your life.
Habit 4: Not Following Morning Routine
Not following a morning routine also comes under to umbrella of bad morning habits. Morning routine helps a lot when you try to start your day and don’t know which tasks to do at first.
Honestly, it’s hard to be effective and efficient everyday. Having a well-crafted morning routine helps you you to complete your tasks fast. It’s okay to not have a morning routine if you already have everything in your mind, but if it’s not the case, then trust me, you’re going to love having a morning routine.
My personal experience with a morning routine has been phenomenal. It eliminated procrastination and wastage of time. I felt more focused and less frustrated. You can try it and see for yourself.
Habit 5: Rushing Out
I accept that you’re busy and want to get work down as soon as possible. But, please avoid rushing out. Starting to work right after waking up can cause burnout. Your mind is not usually read to take stress after you wake up. It needs some time to become active.
This is the reason why meditation is the thing to do right after you wake up. Of course, you can rush out after your mind is active again. But if you want to improve your mental health, then is absolutely necessary to let your mind take some time to start in the morning.
Habit 6: Procrastination
Let me say this right now: Procrastination is a cancer to our society. Do you know why? Because procrastination is insidious. It spreads into your life and it’s already too late before your know it. The signs are so subtle in the beginning that you won’t think about its problems, but with time it engulfs your good habits and replaces it with bad ones.
On the flip side, it’s easy to detect procrastination if you know the symptoms. Here is one symptom you should look out for if you think you’re procrastinating:
(a) You are regularly delaying tasks
If delaying even the most minuscule tasks is becoming your natural habit, then you can be pretty sure that you’re procrastinating.
And, after waking up if you stay laying on the bed for extended periods of time, then you’re definitely procrastinating.
Habit 7: Not Staying Hydrated
The human body is made up of 70% water. Hence, its essential to have a healthy dose of water whenever possible. While there’s no fixed time you should drink water, drinking water in the morning is more effective. And scientists have proven this long time ago.
Please don’t try this experiment, but if you forcefully don’t drink water one day, you’ll automatically feel an imbalance in mental and physical well-being. On the other hand, if you drink as much water as you feel like, your body and mind will feel great and light.
Carry a bottle to simplify drinking water. Carrying a water bottle subconsciously encourages you to drink more water, which is great for your health.
Habit 8: Skipping Workout
Workout is painful, but you have to choose between the two: A pain which converts to suffering after some time, and pain that improves your life eventually. If you don’t engage in any physical activity, your physical body will give up after sometime and you’ll suffer from a weak physical constitution.
But, if you workout, your physical body will become better with every passing day. A great physical body also promotes better mental health because of some kind of chemical release.
My humble advice for you would be to embrace pain to keep suffering at bay.
Habit 9: Unhealthy & Untimely Eating
What’s worse than unhealthy eating? Eating your food untimely. At what time you have your food is essential. No, I’m not talking about how many times you eat, it’s about what and when you eat.
The primary cause of most physical problems is sugar and cholesterol. In my opinion sugar is worse. It’s also easier to control cholesterol, but beating sugar intake is not that easy. Sugar is addictive.
Now, if you have decreased sugar intake, the next thing to do is improve your timings. Set a daily time to have your breakfast, and follow that as much as you can. Believe me, if you maintain a strict timings for food, your health will automatically get better.
Habit 10: Ignoring Sunlight
How often do you bath in sunlight? Sun rays in the morning are soothing no only for your body, but also for your eyes. Looking at the rising Sun day and bathing in its sunlight will improve your skin and eyesight . Please, don’t directly look at the Sun, no matter whether it’s the rising Sun. The harsh rays can hurt your eyes.
Hence, please make sure you take at least few minutes out of your daily morning routine and take a sunbath. Here’s also a secret: Bathing in direct sunlight causes melanin generation which in turn helps in cancer prevention.
Habit 11: Not Doing Skincare
You have improved your eating habits, and have quit bad habits, but are you taking care of your skin? Skincare should be an integral part of your morning routine. Unlike body skin, our face demands more care and attention.
If you have never done any skincare, it’s better to consult an expert and know your skin type. Embracing a daily skincare routine helps you regain your skin health and protects it from scars, acnes, and wrinkles.
Following a skincare is more about keep your skin healthy than looking beautiful. Just ignore if someone says that you don’t look good just because you don’t follow any skincare.