9 Journal Prompts To Cure Anxiety Fast
Anxiety is a global issue now. Doesn’t matter where you live or what’s your financial status, anxiety seems to be ever-present. But, living with anxiety is hell isn’t it?
If you’re also suffering from anxiety, then these prompts will help you permanently get rid of it.
Ready? Let’s Dive in…
What Is Troubling Me The Most?
Most of the time, the root cause of anxiety is suppressed emotions. Especially when you force yourself to not let it out. Ask yourself what’s troubling you the most. Is it something you want to share, or something you want to do? Do it! Let off some steam, and you’ll feel better. Keep on getting rid of suppressed emotions and eventually you’ll be permanently free of anxiety.
Have I Achieved Anything By Overthinking?
At the end of the day, you won’t achieve anything overthinking. Instead, you would only disturb your sleep and day-to-day life. Asking yourself what you’ve achieved by overthinking is a great trick to make yourself realize that rather than being anxious, it’s far better to start finding for solutions. Overthinking won’t produce any results.
How Can I Cure My Anxiety?
This question my seem mundane, but this simple question has worked for me like a charm. Is you continuously ask “how can I cure my anxiety?” your subconscious mind will have no option but to reply to your question. The more you ask yourself, the faster you’ll get your answers. But your must take action once you have an intuitive flash.
Am I Optimistic or Pessimistic?
The type of people you surround yourself with has a major impact on you. If you surround yourself with negative and pessimistic people, soon you’ll feel horrible. Staying with them will rob you off of peace. On the other hand, optimistic people will naturally heal you. You need to observe your surrounding, and, if possible, move away from negative people and spaces.
What Is The Root Cause Of My Anxiety?
Searching for root cause of any problem ensures that the issue is resolved permanently. And you should endeavor to do that. Meditation is one great way to find out the root of anything. Please dedicate some time daily to contemplate. I can assure you that if you meditate regularly, you’ll reach the root cause within few weeks if not days.
Should I Just Let Go?
Can letting go cure your anxiety? If yes, then don’t let those negative emotions affect your life more. If you can let go instantly, then great. If not, then you can eventually let go. Letting an emotion go can take little extra time, but it’s effective. Letting go works great with broken relationships, and with trauma.
When Was I Mentally Strongest In All My Life?
Recalling the best moment of your life is one of the best way to regain confidence & hope. Those moments fill you with a sense of encouragement, and you intuitively know that you are stronger than you think you are. Those great moments push you to take action which is a great way to come out of anxiety.
Am I Doing Something Wrong That I Shouldn’t?
We make mistakes when we aren’t aware. Even the smallest mistakes can cause real issue if it hangs around for too long. Take a note of your daily life, and the events that mostly happens. Look for something that you feel isn’t right. That can be the real cause of your anxiety.
Do I REALLY Love Myself?
Self-harm is one thing that a lot of people either contemplate, or do it in real life. Shaming yourself, hurting yourself physically or mentally is not a good way to make things alright. Ask yourself whether you really love yourself. Without self-love you’ll be sad, and this sadness will eventually push you towards anxiety.