5 Sure Signs Someone Is Manifesting You. How To Prevent Being Manifested?
Manifestation is the all-powerful method that can attract anything in life!
While most people try to attract Health, Wealth and Happiness, there are also people who want to manifest someone else.
But how to know that someone is manifesting you?
Are there any signs? How to prevent being manifested?
That’s what we’ll learn in this post:
Table of Contents
(1) You’re Seeing Angel Numbers Too Often
It’s famously said that Mathematics is the closest way to understand the Universe!
And I cannot confirm that enough.
Seeing Angel Numbers or Synchronous Numbers are one of the first sign that the Universe is trying to connect to you.
And the best thing about it that Angel Numbers are legit.
Seeing numbers like 1111, 11:11, 111, 1:11 and more like these few times might just be a fluke.
But if you’re seeing synchronous numbers more too often, then you should be aware that somethings is going to happen.
If you’re trying to manifest something then it’s a sign about that.
If not then there’s a high chance that someone is trying to connect to you!
(2) You’re Drawn To The Person
Have you ever had a strong thought about a person and the next thing you know is that he/she contacted you?
At that point you manifested the person unconsciously.
The same might also be happening to you!
Someone had a strong thought about you and you suddenly feel drawn to that person.
You repeatedly have a strong urge to learn about that person.
How that guy doing? I haven’t met him for a while.
These are some of the many thoughts that’ll come in your mind regarding that person.
My piece if advice would be to observe your thoughts a little more.
Ask yourself whether you should really meet them.
What was your previous experience of meeting them? Was it good or bad?
Is the person exploitative?
The more questions you ask the more clear your thoughts will become.
(3) The Person Appear In Your Dreams
This is another peculiar event that may happen with you!
If someone is thinking really hard about you, then there’s a chance that you’ll see them in dreams.
How you might see yourself in dream is unpredictable, but you might mostly see yourself talking to them and just chilling.
Seeing a dream like that once is acceptable and normal, but if you’re having dreams about that person a little too often then it’s a sure sign that the person is trying to manifest you.
It’s quite easy to connect to someone in dream because there’s no physical boundary.
You can reach the Moon and come back in your room within a second in your dream.
(4) You Randomly Meet Them Quite Often
Randomly meeting someone is a natural occurrence, but when you meet the person a little too randomly then that’s a sign.
It’s a strong sign that a certain someone is trying to manifest you when you haven’t tried to manifest them.
Meeting the person in random places too often also suggests that the Universe is trying to draw you too closer.
When something like this happens, then you should give it a chance.
Of course you can take a step back if you don’t feel good about it!
Fortunately, the Universe does not want you to experience anything bad.
(5) You Have Strong Intuition About Them
You can literally be, do and have anything if you have a strong Intuition.
Intuition is also sometimes called “Sixth-Sense.”
But what is the relation between having a strong Intuition and someone manifesting you?
With sharp intuitive capability you can know beforehand that someone is trying to connect to you.
You might have heard about the “Great Seers of the past.”
These people were Great Seers because they knew what would happen years before the events really happened.
In your case it can be completely different though!
You might have a strong flash about the person and how you should connect to them.
Now, it’s your choice whether you should contact them because sometimes Intuition can be wrong.
How To Prevent Being Manifested?
Now that you know whether someone is manifesting you, it’s important to learn to keep yourself safe from unwanted manifestations.
You can keep yourself safe from these unexpected unwanted manifestation if you follow these easy methods:
(1) Increase Your Vibration(Aura)
If your life-energy is strong, then there’s very little chance that you’ll manifest something negative.
Because like attracts like!
If your Aura is on the higher side you’ll only manifest someone with a higher vibration.
Your next question might be:
“How Can I Increase Energetic Vibration?
The easiest method is the be Grateful and Optimistic!
Of course there are other complex methods to obtain attain more powerful Aura.
But believe me if you’re just Grateful and Optimistic about everything, your life will become frictionless and beautiful.
And at the end of the day you’ll keep yourself safe from manifesting negative people.
(2) Meditate
Scientist say that we have entered a phase of the so-called “Mental Pandemic.”
People are losing their ability to control their Mind and certain characteristics like Anxiety, Depression, etc. are becoming a norm.
But how can a simple process like Meditation help?
Meditate only few minutes a day can calm your Mind to a great extent!
And just think what happens when your Mind is calm?
Unnecessary thoughts won’t disturb you… And when that happens you’ll automatically be Happy and Optimistic about everything around you.
Meditation strengthens your Aura and creates an invisible Aura Cocoon around you.
You can think of this Aura Cocoon as a shield that protects your from various intruding energies.
(3) Ask The Universe To Protect You
Surrender yourself to the Universe if you think nothing is working you!
Though the Universe doesn’t know the difference between positive and negative it always makes sure you receive what you deserve.
Surrender is Devotion!
To higher your Devotion the more you’re open to good opportunities.
You Let Go all the negative thoughts and expectations and just think of the positive that you receive from the Universe…
Being devoted even when everything is going against you is the toughest thing to pull-off.
The Mind won’t let you rest.
But I’m sure if you Meditate properly, you’ll never have to forcefully surrender yourself to the Universe.
(4) Confirm That You Cannot Be Manifested
If your willpower is high then the person who’s trying to manifest you will inevitably fail.
Willpower is a higher form of vibration where not many people exist.
Willpower can overpower almost anything in the Universe
Protecting you from being manifested is merely a minuscule task.
You see I’m not talking about Affirmation, it’s Confirmation!
When you Confirm you already Know what you want.
You are in control of the outcome.
Hence, when you strictly confirm “I cannot be manifested,” then you’re setting off a strong vibration around you that automatically blocks off any intrusion from people’s thoughts and vibrations.
(5) Wear Gemstone For Spiritual Protection
This may not work as expected but people of every culture have been using Gemstone to protect themselves from negative energies and also for spiritual growth.
The South-Asians are great believers of Gemstones.
You can seek help from people who are certified Gemstone experts!
They’ll recommend you the best suitable Gemstones by looking at various things.
But I’ll urge you to avoid wearing Gemstones, because there are also various adverse affects.
Keep yourself physically and mentally strong, and the Universe will yield to you.
To end this off, you can read this Crystal Healing article from Wikipedia to learn more about it.
Of course Science will always claim it to be “pseudo” but the people who have experienced can never explain about it…