11+ Obvious Signs Your Third Eye Is Opening(And What To Do When It’s Opening?)
In this post I’ll list down 10 Obvious Signs Your Third Eye Is Opening.
To keep it simple here’s what you’ll learn:
(a) Signs to watch out for if you think your Third Eye is activating
(b) What happens when you open the Third Eye?
(c) Can you Manifest using the Third Eye?
(d) What can you do if your Third Eye is activating?
Well, now that you know what you’re going to learn, let’s move forward.
Post Contents
11+ Signs Your Third Eye Is Opening
Here are the 11+ signs that your Third Eye is opening.
Sign 1 : You Become Intuitive
A sharp intuition is the first symptom that your Third Eye is opening.
This is the reason why most innocent people want to activate their Third Eye.
They want to have a sharp Intuition and achieve everything they try.
Yes, activating the Third Eye does help with an unparalleled intuition prowess.
But, the moment you open your Ajna Chakra(Third Eye) manifesting something will feel rudimentary.
Sign 2 : People Are Subconsciously Attracted Towards You
One thing that you’ll observe after activating the Third Eye is how random people are attracted towards you.
It’s because of your strong Aura.
People with lower vibration will subconsciously be attracted towards you.
They won’t be able to explain the reason, but they want to stay in your presence as much as possible.
It’s the high vibration you carry around.
Sign 3 : You Develop Sharp Attention To Everything
Since meditation is necessary to activate the Eyebrow Chakra, you’ll naturally develop heightened attention to everything.
Also the amount of information you’ll be able to pickup from that kind of attention is astonishing.
You’ll start remembering things like they happened a second ago.
In short, the you’ll have absolutely no issue in recalling something even after years.
Sign 4 : Your Thoughts Are Crystal Clear
The Third Eye is located at the center of the Brain(Pineal Gland).
So, if you feel your thoughts have suddenly become clearer than before, then this is good sign.
You must begin preparations to open the Third Eye.
Sign 5 : Everything Seems Normal To You
The toys that made you ecstatic in childhood don’t have the same affect now.
That’s because you’ve either become too accustomed to it or you level of experience has gone higher than just a toy.
And in this case it’s your experience that has taken a big jump.
I’m not saying that you won’t enjoy anything in life after activating the Third Eye, but your toys would change.
You’ll become the calmest person ever.
No matter what’s happening on the outside, your inside(Mind) is calm, untouched by any issue.
Sign 6 : You Develop Clairvoyance
Yes, your Clairvoyant abilities will be on fire the moment you activate your Third Eye.
Heck, if you feel that you’ve suddenly become clairvoyant, then this is sign that you’re Third Eye is about to open.
Especially you’ve been practicing Third Eye Meditation.
Sign 7 : You Feel Strong Pulsating Sensation Between Your Eyebrow
Among all third eye opening physical symptoms, pulsating sensation between the eyebrow is the most known one.
Try to look the tip of your nose. Don’t worry if your eyes begin to ache. It’s normal!
Now keeping the eyes the way it is, shift your focus in between the eyebrow.
Keep focusing between the eyebrow and after 10 second close your eyes. You can bring back your eyes back to normal.
If you close your eyes now and relax it, there’s a chance you’ll feel a pulsating sensation between the eyebrows. No need to fret if couldn’t experience anything though.
So, if you’re continuously having a strong pulsating sensation between the eyebrows, on top of the other signs I’ve mentioned then there’s a high chance that you’re Eyebrow Chakra is about to open.
Sign 8 : You Become More Compassionate
Compassion is just a byproduct of meditation.
And since activating the Third Eye is mastery of Meditation, you’ll automatically become compassionate towards everything.
Not just humans, animals and insects but plants too.
Being compassionate is one characteristic that all great sages had and promoted. Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, Krishna, etc. All these great being were compassionate.
Sign 9 : You Prefer Quiet Places
Third Eye required rigorous meditative practice.
And meditation cannot happen if you Mind is not quiet.
If you’ve increasing started to like spending some time alone in quiet places, this is sign that you’re about to open your Third Eye.
Of course, spending time alone can be your hobby.
But if you’re also experiencing other signs like sharp intuition, clairvoyance, etc, then you can be almost sure that your Third Eye is opening.
Sign 10 : Your Senses Are Highly Active
The Third Eye is often called the pathway to the Sixth-Sense.
One way to access Sixth-Sense is to master and control the 5 senses.
When you’re specifically practicing Third Eye meditation, most of your focus is to activate the Third Eye.
But if you feel that your 5 senses have become highly sensitive, then it’s a sign of Third eye opening.
Sign 11: It’s Easy To Meditate
There’s very little chance to open the Third Eye without meditation.
Of course there are other processes too, but meditation is the simplest one.
Hence, one thing you’ll definitely feel even before activating the Third Eye is how easily and quickly you’re able to meditate.
Beginners usually take multiple minutes to
Sign 12: You See Other-Dimension Beings
Seeing other dimension beings is one aspect of activating the Third Eye that most ignore or don’t want to talk about.
There’s a reason why this chakra is called the Third Eye chakra.
It’s like having an eye that sees more than what most people see.
And when you have so much access, you’ll end-up seeing beings of other dimension.
Let’s say them as ethereal beings who live in higher dimensions.
Unfortunately, this is the most negative part of activating the Third Eye. While you may not get scared, most people find it hard to accept something that they have never seen.
Sign 13: You Start Looking Life In A Different Way
Meditation is the simplest way to look at life differently.
And activating the Third Eye is one of the highest stage of meditation.
How you observe everything around you, especially people and situations, you’ll feel detached.
As if you have a bird’s eye view to everything. When this happens, you’ll automatically become more understanding, calm and confident.
Because you know that whatever happens around you is just temporary and won’t last long.
Is It Bad To Manifest Using Third Eye?
No, it’s not bad to manifest using Third Eye.
But you’ll have to keep few things in mind before using the Third Eye to manifest.
The Third Eye Chakra is infinitely more powerful than your thought.
Hence, the Third Eye will manifest way quicker than your thoughts will.
So, if you’re hesitant about manifesting something using the Third Eye. And if you end-up thinking negative or bad, then that negative thought will manifest in reality too.
Think of it as a double-edged sword.
Hence, be absolutely sure about what you want to manifest because once you access the Third Eye, there’s no going back.
What Should You Do If Your Third Eye Is Opening?
Since the Third Eye is one of the most sensitive chakra, it’s very important to know what to do when it’s opening.
Suggestion 1: Meditate More
If you feel that the Third Eye is about to open, the best thing to do is to Meditate More.
There’s honestly no better way.
The more you meditate, the faster your Third Eye will open.
Suggestion 2: Don’t Fret If You Feel Invisible Presence
As I’ve mentioned before, with the Eyebrow Chakra you’ll be able to see other-dimensional beings.
Beings that are often just curious to hang around you.
And now that you’re opening your Third Eye Chakra they are naturally attracted towards your strong Aura.
You may be surprised or even terrified to feel an invisible presence of something/someone, but you shouldn’t fret.
These bodiless beings were always there around you. You just weren’t just capable enough to see them.
Suggestion 3: Limit How Much You Talk
We spend Prana(Life Force) through talking.
In fact if you just limit the number of words, you’ll naturally feel a surge in energy.
The first sign of a true master is that he/she will avoid unnecessary talking.
And now that you have already surpassed almost all stages of Third Eye opening, it’s time you stop unnecessary talk.
No, I’m not asking you stop talking altogether. Just limit the number of words you utter.
Talking less is a great way to quicken Third Eye opening.
Suggestion 4: Be More Aware
Awareness is absolutely necessary to open not only Ajna Chakra (Sanskrit name of Third Eye Chakra) but every chakra known to Human.
You’ll attain sharp Intuition even before activating the Third Eye chakra but to avoid any mistake you must be as aware as possible.
You must do everything with as must awareness as possible.
You’ll become slow, but it’ll help you immensely and stop you from making any mistakes.
Suggestion 5: Keep Your Ego At Check
Ego is the Enemy. It’s an old saying!
The Third Eye is highly sensitive and you’ll require constant guidance to activate it. Especially when you’re on the verge of opening it.
Apart from various physical symptoms, you’ll surely have mental symptoms. Both negative and positive.
Before your Third Eye is finally open the Ego will, one last time, try to pounce on you. It’ll try it’s best to stop you.
The Ego will try to fill you Mind with thoughts such as: Use the Third Eye to attain wealth, good health, etc.
If you fall into that trap, you’ll lose and fail to active the Third Eye.
How Do I Know If My Third Eye Is Open?
If you’re able see and know what other people can’t then there’s high chance that your Third Eye is active.
Can I Manifest Anything Using Third Eye?
Once your Third Eye is open manifesting anything becomes easy.
Is It Bad To Open Third Eye Chakra?
it’s not recommended to open the Third Eye is you’re not mentally stable. You might end-up seeing beings from other dimension.
What Happens When Third Eye Is Open?
The moment you open you Third Eye you’ll be able to see different realms and everything about you will change drastically.
Is It Hard To Open Third Eye?
Opening the Third Eye is the easiest among all chakra. You can open the Third Eye is you focus between your eyebrows.
How Long Does It Take To Open Your Third Eye?
You can open your Third Eye within a month if you follow right yogic practices.