Mental Movie Manifestation
LOA & Manifesting,  Mindset

Mental Movie Manifestation Method For Fast Manifestation (4-Steps)

Are you fed up with failing to manifest?

Let me guess, you’ve tried affirmations, tried unlocking the subconscious mind, journaled countless pages, and many other manifestation methods?

You might have manifested little bits of pieces, but not all of it. 

Let’s try the Mental Movie Manifestation method. This law of attraction exercise is different from your usual manifestation method. It’s way more potent than most techniques I’ve tried…

Ready? Let’s dive in…

What Is Mental Movie Technique?

The mental movie manifestation method is a technique by which you imagine your dreams as already fulfilled. You imagine your thoughts as already fulfilled as a movie, not images.

Unlike other manifestation methods, the mental movie technique doesn’t follow any written rule. The entire process is dependent on imagination.

Imagining a reality as if it’s happening in the present moment. Imaging a thought in great detail makes this law of attraction practice powerful and effective.

Mental Movie Manifestation Technique Explained

The best thing about the Mental Movie Manifestation method is that it’s a complete package. Unlike the scripting manifestation method, you won’t have to write and experience your dream reality. The scripting manifestation method also has the risk of becoming repetitive.

Step 1: Decide what and when you want to manifest. The what is the most critical factor, and then comes the when. Because if you’re still determining your aim, then there’s no way any manifestation method will work. So, write what you want to manifest or ponder repeatedly until you reach clarity. 

Step 2: Set a time when you’re free and alone. Try to keep distractions away while you practice. The best time is either before sleep or after waking up. These are the two times when the subconscious mind is most receptive. Also, you’ll face fewer distractions. 

Step 3: Start with fewer imaginations. Try not to go all in! Your mind may feel overwhelmed and convince you to quit. Especially on the first day, imagine the beginning portions of your reality. 

Suppose you want to manifest a red Honda car. In this case, the beginning of your mental movie is imagining yourself leaving your house.

Imagine these things in as much detail as possible: 

What are you wearing?
Are you alone, or is there someone with you?
Who is it?
How do you feel about buying your dream car? 
How are you walking while leaving your house?

You are free to imagine anything you like. There’s no limit to how detailed your imagination can be. 

But remember that you MUST NOT change your mental movie every time. Keep it as accurate as possible. Conscious repetition is the key!

Step 4: You have already imagined how great owning a red Honda car feels. How does it feel to drive? How fast can it go? How’s the smell inside the car? How does it feel to touch it? How’s the sound? 

Your mental movie should be so detailed that the subconscious mind confuses reality and illusion. But how will you know that you’ve successfully convinced the subconscious mind? 

When sudden and unique opportunities start falling in your lap out of nowhere. The Universe wants you to grab those opportunities. It’s your ticket to manifestation.

Can You Really Manifest Fast?

In most of my posts, I have mentioned that it usually takes 21 days for a manifestation method to start showing results. 

But the Mental Movie method is a bit different. If your thoughts and emotions are intense enough, you can manifest within 24 hours. 

I manifested an event in my life within a week. So, I’m living proof that this method is hella powerful and effective. 

Everything ultimately depends on how much time and energy you can spend intensifying your thoughts. Enlightened sages can manifest anything within seconds because they have absolute control over their thoughts, energy, and emotions. 

Pros & Cons Of Mental Movie Manifestation Method

I haven’t found any cons for the Mental Movie Manifestation Method. The only con I can think of is that you need to practice the method correctly to manifest. Which is the essential requirement for ALL manifestation methods.

Of course, the pros are far more visible than the cons. I’ve experienced the same events I imagined while practicing the method.

What did I imagine? I imagined a good friendship with a specific person. I spent at least 10-15 minutes every day before sleep to run the mental movie repeatedly until I felt sleepy.

Within a few days, the subconscious mind started suggesting better and clearer thoughts. The subconscious mind is beautiful, isn’t it?

One day, I had a solid hunch to take action. Not gonna lie; I was scared a bit in the beginning but went for it anyway. Guess what? 99% of the events happened as I had imagined.

So, the pros are FAR better than the cons.

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