Why Is Manifestation Not Working
LOA & Manifesting,  Affirmations,  Goal Setting

Why Is Manifestation Not Working? Does Manifesting Really Work?

Your first question after learning about Law of Attraction is:

How to Manifest Something?

And after some weeks or months depending upon how you’ve practiced your next question arrives as:

Why Is Manifestation Not Working? Does Manifestation Really Work?

So, in this post I’ll provide 11 Reasons Why Manifestation Is Not Working For You!

Why Is My Manifestation Not Working?

Your Emotions Are Not Strong Enough!

Practice as many affirmations as you want, or fill up as many scripting journal you want but if your emotions are not directed towards your thoughts, it’s just won’t work!

Thoughts have no quality of their own, it’s Emotion that make the Thoughts alive!

If you have control (not suppression) over your emotions then you won’t take much time to get rid off any thought!

End Your Day With A Thank You

You get a strong Desire in your Heart because the Thought and Emotion in sync.

Heart is the center of Emotion and that’s the reason why your blood pressure rises marginally when you become too enthusiastic!

Anyway, I guess this short example provides you with enough proof why having a strong Emotion is necessary for manifestation!

You can look Emotion as “Energy in Motion.”

Let Go Off Negative Thoughts & Emotions

You’ll inevitably attract negative situations in your life if you carry Negative Thoughts & Emotions!

But here’s a good news for you!

Letting Go is a easy! Yes it really is.

You’ll just need these three steps to follow and you can Let Go ANYTHING from your life.

(1) Observe

(2) Accept

(3) Let Go

Most people get stuck in the second step (Accept).

How Many Days For Manifestation Technique To Work

They don’t want to Accept what happened to them.

Getting shocked or surprised for a moment if acceptable, but not Accepting becomes a massive impediment if it drags on.

Here Accepting means you Know what happened and that it’s no good to lament upon it!

What’s done is done!

As soon as you Accept something, you’ll literally lightness.

You’ve Let Go off the blocked energy that was weighing you down.

Having abundance of Life-Energy is the key to everything!


You can check out this book for a deeper understanding!

Are You Enjoying The Process?

“Life is a Journey not a Destination.”

Your life is just the time you spend the time between Birth and Death.

Pardon me for revealing the secret truth of this life!

Similar to how our life is, the beginning of your Desire and it’s Fulfillment is just one step, it’s the Manifestation Journey.

You’ll spend most of your time in this Journey.

So, you must make it sure that this Journey become as beautiful as possible.

If you’re practicing a manifestation method then be aware that you’re not treating it just as a daily chore!

The Universe is way more intelligent than you and it know very well what you really are.

There’s no hiding!

If a manifestation method has become a chore, then you should really think twice.

Ask Yourself Whether You Should Really Manifest?

Many times you become too enthusiastic and start right away with every LOA methods under your belt.

I have a cute suggestion for you:


No, I’m not urging you to suppress your emotions and just forget about it.

But, you should give it some time and calm down before just jumping right in!

Because most of the time it’s the short spikes in your Energetic-Vibration that creates these intensely positive emotions.

When the Mind intervenes and starts asking too many logical questions you’ll feel stupid.

It’s not just that, many times a thought can literally make or break things.

Hence, the best way to counter your sudden surge in emotion is to stop and wait for sometime.

After giving it some thought, if you still feel overflowing enthusiastic emotions, then you’re free to do whatever you feel is right for you.

Stay Away From Negative Company

“A rotten potato spoils the whole bag.”

Proverbs from wise people are still valid after centuries!

There is a concept of “like attracts like.”

Metaphysics and Science love to term this: “like vibration attracts like vibration.”

If you’re sensitive enough, you’ll feel that when you’re in an environment where things are too negative situations around you automatically turns negative.

As if like magic.

Third Eye Chakra Meditation

There’s no magic in it! It’s just that by syncing in with a vibration for a time period, your mental and physical body starts to adapt it.

If the surrounding environment is positive your energy will automatically rise and vice-verse.

Hence, it’s extremely important to choose the type of people you stay close to.

You might feel I’m selfish but at the end of the day it’s about Survival of the Fittest.

I’m personally experienced this happen!

This is also the reason why temples, mosques, churches are called “holy.”

These places carry high vibration.

Are Your Feeling Grateful Enough?

In the previous section I talked about how energetic vibration impacts your everyday life!

Gratitude stays in the high-vibration range.

If you’re grateful for everything, even for the smallest things in your life then your life is going to be a miracle.

Start Your Day By Saying Thank You

That’s why saying Thank You is encouraged! The word “Thank You!” carries the emotion of Gratitude.

But how to be grateful when things change for the worse?

Here’s where Positive Attitude comes in!

If you’re positive and optimistic about everything then life is going to be a breeze and not a bi**h!

Be Solution Oriented

Attitude if EVERYTHING!

If you have a positive attitude towards life then you never need any LOA guidance nor any manifestation method.

Most people are question oriented! Not that questioning something is wrong.

But they also start disbelieving everything!

They also start disbelieving the answers even. Which is a problem!

Determine Your Goal

To know whether you’re solution-oriented or question-oriented look for these qualities in you:

(1) Is complaining your first reaction to a problem? (Question-Oriented)
(2) Do you feel exploited or cheated when a situation turns against you? (Question-Oriented)
(3) Do you look into a problem as a means to grow? (Solution-Oriented)
(4) Do you instantly look for solutions to the problem without giving a second thought? (Solution-Oriented)

So these were some of the characters of the two completely different personalities!

Which one are you?

Please don’t say : I’m a balance between the two.

Being Desperate Won’t Help

If you’ve ever watched a new swimmer or someone who’s learning you’ll see that they are too restless and throw their hands and legs.

They still cannot stay afloat!

Why is that? They tried “hard” yet they managed to sink themselves.

It’s because they were too Desperate.”

Stability is the Key!

Too Much Effort

This rule applies in Manifestation too!

If you think putting in too much effort accelerates the process, then you should be ready for a rude awakening!

This may happen to some other person but for most this simply doesn’t work!

The Solution:

Stay calm and have a strong confirmation that whatever you’re doing is turning in your favor.

Are You Listening To Your Intuition?

Throughout your life Intuition plays a deeply important role in making things happen.

A “Flash of thought,” “Divine Inspiration,” “Hunch,” is Universe’s way of helping you to reach your goal effectively and more efficiently.

To make this easier to understand, think of Intuition as an unexpected Christmas Gift from the Universe.

As a kid you just knew it’ll be good because it’s from Santa…

We all have Intuitive capabilities, but don’t have any way to access it.

I have written a detailed process of sharpening your Intuition:

Are You Taking Enough Action?

The so-called LOA experts claim that you can manifest everything without taking an action.

Well, it may be the reality for them, but what they are missing is that even if an opportunity approaches, you should taken action to make it happen.

In manifesting something, LOA practices are like the 99%.

You still have to do the 1% to complete the entire process.

Make & Follow A Checklist

Hard-working people treat taking action seriously and they invest their entire energy in taking action.

What happens then is that the Universe automatically starts filling in the gap and push the person to their 100%.

But for someone who does nothing and just sits all day, they are either too lazy or they aren’t enthusiastic about their dreams.

Drill this down to the innermost parts of your Mind:


Trying To Manifest Too Many Things

You might have heard this proverb:

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

This famous proverb is probably the best reason why you need absolute and undivided attention to do anything.

Trying too many methods/things at the same time is same as too many people trying to do a single job.

If you’re doing something like that, you can be assured to fail!

It’s the harsh reality of how things work!

Hence, if you are trying to manifest too many things at the same time, either have a clear distinction between your thoughts and emotions or move one step at a time.

I know it’s tempting to manifest your dream life within the shorted period of time, but ask yourself this question:

Do I have the capability to handle such drastic change?

If yes, then you already know what to do!

If not, it’s okay, move forward one step at a time.

Does Manifestation Actually Work?

Yes, Manifestation Works!

The only limitation is our thoughts and emotions and how dedicated with a manifestation method.

I’ve personally seen people who have failed to manifest something.

They applied almost every manifestation method known, be it affirmations, custom subliminal, scripting, Acting as If , etc. Everything failed for them.

What could be the reason?

These are some of the basic reason why they failed to manifest:

(1) They tried too hard.

(2) They kept changing their motive and desire.

(3) By following too many LOA techniques, they cluttered the entire process.

(4) They failed to take any action.

(5) Deep down they did not believe the process and that they can really do it.

Of course, you might have your own reasons, but these 5 reasons above are the root of cause of failure.

Sharing is Gratitude...

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