Ask these 9 questions to pemanently cure Anxiety.
Personal Transformation,  Letting Go

Ask Yourself These 9 Questions To Permanently Cure Anxiety

Being anxious is like living in the midst of thick smog. You can’t breath, can’t see and it follows you everywhere you go. We all have, either consciously or unconsciously experienced a wave of anxiety in our lives.

But the good thing is that anxiety is curable, and it’s relatively easy when you follow these simple processes.

Let’s not waste more time and dive deep…

How would I feel if I had no anxiety?

One of the best way to permanently cure anxiety is to recall the time when you had no anxiety. How did you feel back then? And what has changed since? How would you feel if something like anxiety was never present in your life? Believe me or not, just thinking about those times could make a huge impact on your life.

How do I really feel about myself?

I once read that a majority of people are highly critical of themselves. They feel shame when they make a mistake and curse themselves for being a loser. But they never feel encouraged when something good happens. If you too do something like this, then it’s not a good sign! Observe your day-to-day activities, especially when you make mistakes. If you curse yourself too much even for silly mistakes, then it’s time you start respecting yourself a bit more.

What am I doing to get rid of anxiety?

When nothing works and you’re procrastinating, asking yourself directly is the a great way to face any problem, let alone anxiety. Now that you know that you have anxiety issues, the next and the closest step should be to reach to root issue.

How thankful am I everyday?

I’ve personally observed that being thankful is one of the best way to recover from anxiety. This might be linked to our subconscious mind and also the nervous system. Being thankful changes your view of on life and makes you believe that the world is a better place. Being thankful even for the smallest things have really helped me, and I hope it can help you too.

How much would I rate my anxiety on a scale of 1 to 10.

Rating you anxiety level is a nice way to be true to yourself. Well you might score it as a 10, but if you’re a bit aware and look around, you’ll see that it’s actually quite lower. And when you realize this, it won’t take you much time to permanently cure yourself.

When was the last time I was at peace?

When was the last time you were really at peace? You can be on a vacation, but were you at peace? Try to remember the time when time just went by. Try to feel how it felt. If you can feel what you felt in the past, you can cure yourself from anxiety fast.

What are my strengths and weaknesses?

Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses. I’m sure you too have them. Forget about your weaknesses, for now, and write on a sheet of paper about your strengths. Even if you only have 1 strength, write it down. Now, write down your weaknesses and compare how you can turn your weaknesses into your strengths. Find out loopholes in your weakness and turn your weakness in your favor. When you do this, you’ll feel a strong sense of relief and encouragement.

Are negative people influencing me?

This is what I have been mentioning again and again. AVOID negative people! They will drag you down and make you feel sh*t about yourself. Either consciously or unconsciously these people, rather than curing your anxiety, will convince you to embrace it. They will argue “anxiety is a part of life.” Don’t fall for such nonsense.

How did I recover from challenges in the past?

As I briefly mentioned in the beginning, anxiety is similar to living in smog. Still, there’s way! This may not be the first time you’re having an issue. If yes, then how did you recover in the past? The problem may not be anxiety, but it could be anger issues or depression. If you recovered in the past, then you surely can recover this time too.

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