5 Eating Habits To Start At The Beginning Of The Month
Habit Building,  Personal Transformation

5 Eating Habits To Start At The Beginning Of The Month

It’s that time of the year when you revisit your eating habits. Checking on your eating habits is a good way to make yourself aware of any mistakes. If your goal was to lose some weight, check whether you’ve succeeded. And if your goal was to reduce sugar consumption, it’s time to revisit that too.

Well, if you’re thinking of starting a new eating habits, then this post is also for you. How you eat in a day, and continue decides how physically and mentally healthy you’ll be in the future.

Well, now that you’re ready, let’s dive into the 5 simple habits.

(1) Start A Hydration Challenge

Nothing is more important than water for our body. You can stay alive without food for weeks, but that won’t be possible without water. Honestly, it’s also hard to keep a track of how much water you consume in a day. For that, the best way is to buy a bottle with measurements in it.

On drink from that bottle and you’ll know how much water you’re actually drinking. No need to fret if you’re drinking too little. Start a hydration challenge. If you’re drink half a bottle of water throughout the day, it’s time increase the quantity by 50%.

Set an alarm every 30 minutes if necessary. But, don’t forget to drink water and complete your daily quota. How will you know that your body is hydrated enough? If your lips are naturally look healthy. They won’t be chapped.

Again, don’t overdo it. Remember – Too much of anything is Too bad.

(2) Limit Sugar

How can I leave sugar out of the context when I’m talking about eating habits. Sugar is the real culprit behind countless diseases. Be it mental health or physical health issues, you can find a connection with sugar.

The sheer number of people negatively affected by sugar is probably more than anything in the world. Unfortunately, almost everything we eat today has high sugar content.

If you’re already eating very little sugar, then you can skip this section, but if you do, then please stick with me… Limit your daily sugar consumption. Whatever quantity of sugar you consume every month, cut it by half.

Decrease the quantity eventually, don’t just quit sugar with immediate effect. Your body won’t take that well. The beginning of a month is the best time to start limiting sugar consumption. If you start now, but the end of this month, you’ll automatically feel a change.

(3) Mindful Eating

It’s hard pill to swallow, but most of the time we have a hard time remembering what we eat throughout the day. Switch off you television, keep your phone aside, and eat mindfully. Staying aware of what you eat helps you mind and body comes into sync. This helps in better retention of nutrients.

Eating mindfully also helps you stop overeating. And, as might already know, overeating is one of the root cause of increasingly bad health. Eating mindfully is even more important when you’re eating something sweet. Our body loves sugar, thanks to our evolutionary instincts. Hence, whenever you start eating something sweet, the body drops its senses.

The mind tricks you into eating more, until you’re too full to even walk. Eating mindfully won’t let that happen, because you’re not allowing your instincts to take over.

(4) Vegetarian Days

Meat is the fastest and probably the best way to get protein in your body, but eating meat also contains some risk, especially when it’s not cooked well.

Once a week, switch to a complete vegetarian meal. You can consume milk and milk products, but please avoid any meat or egg. Eat fruits, and fiber-rich foods. Eating light also helps your stomach to take some rest which is really important for a better digestive health.

Just so you know, eating fruits also heals your brain and your overall health. Dry fruits are well-known for their “brain healing” properties. Roast plant seeds like flax seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds crush them. Mix all the powdered seeds and drink it with milk.

But before you consume them, make sure you’re no allergic to certain seeds.

(5) Fast

Finally, you should fast at least twice a month. I cannot even put into words how important fasting is for overall better health. According to American Cancer Society, Fasting can kill cancerous cell. Our ancestors knew that fasting rejuvenates the body, but only research proved it right.

In short, fasting refreshes your physical health and shuffles your hormones. It challenges your immunity systems to work harder and become stronger. And you know the benefits of a stronger immunity system. If you didn’t fast the previous month, then this is the right time.

Don’t do hard right from the beginning if you’ve never stayed empty stomach before. Go slow. See whether your body can handle fasting. Also, please keep this in mind that fasting doesn’t mean you’ll torture yourself. If you’re not feeling well, then you should immediately break your fast and eat something light.

I know you can do this! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

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