Are Curses Real Get Rid Of Curses
LOA & Manifesting,  Meditation,  Spirituality

Are Curses Real? How To Get Rid Of Curses?

A curse is a strong energy laced with strong negative emotion directed towards a person to cause harm or misfortune.

While most of the time curses bring misfortune, there are also times when curses end-up being a blessing.

So, in this post you’ll learn this:

(a) Are curses real?
(b) Can curses act like blessing?
(c) How can you prevent yourself getting cursed?
(d) How to get rid of curses?

In the end I’ve also shared my personal experiences with curses and how it can destroy lives.

Are Curses Real?

Yes, curses are real and they can affect your thoughts and life.

As I mentioned before, when a strong negative emotion is mixed with strong energy, a curse is formed.

When the accumulated energy is directed towards a person or any object(living or non-living) it meddles with their life-energy.

The person who has stronger life-energy will win. If the victim has strong and vibrant life-energy. Even stronger than the one who is trying to curse, then nothing will happen.

If the reverse is true, then the one who’s cursing will easily override their victim’s life-energy and affect their thoughts, emotions and also life.

In simple terms take an example of you pushing a table. If you have more energy and power, then you’ll be easily able to push the table wherever you want.

If the table is stronger and heavier, then no matter how much you clench your teeth the table won’t move.

Unfortunately, curses cannot be seen and many people tend to not believe something that cannot be seen. Curses are real and ever-present.

Curses Are Blessing In Disguise?

Yes, Curses can be blessing in disguise.

I think I’m qualified to answer this question! In my About Me section, I have written about all the major events that happened in my life.

Today when I look back at those events and “misfortunes” I think that they were blessing in disguise.

I ask myself questions like: “What would I be doing if I succeeded that day?”

And following to that question: “Would I be genuinely happy?”

Ayush Mallick (

Looking at my life now, I strongly feel that I’m BLESSED!

Yes, I missed various opportunities, but those choices would land me nowhere.

I would earn fat paycheck(not that I’m not earning now) for sure, but I wouldn’t get any chance to grow as a person.

I see those “misfortunes” and “mental torture” as life’s way to teach me to survive even in the worst situations.

This is the reason why there have been many great people in the past infamous to curse their devotees.

The great seers weren’t angry or hated people, but they disguised their blessing in a curse.

How To Get Rid Of Curses?

It’s possible to get cursed even if you have nothing to do with it. If you feel something like that has happened with you, you can try these processes:

(a) Take a fire bath:

Like there’s Water Bath, there’s Fire Bath, Wind Bath and Mud Bath.

Among the four Fire Bath cleanses your Aura and gets rid of any pranic impurities.

Getting cursed affects you Aura and disturbs your prana(life force).

Fire can dissolve almost every element on Earth, and it’s also true in case of negative vibration.

You can burn a camphor and stay in its presence. It’s cleans you Aura and provides you with better well-being.

(b) Spend time in high vibration places:

To be clear here, you were cursed because the one who tried to curse you had higher and stronger vibration than you. In simple terms his/her had a strong Aura.

One great to get rid of curses is to pitch up your Aura and vibrate at much higher level than you were before.

And the best way to do this is to spend time in high vibration places.

Third Eye Chakra Meditation

Temples, Churches, Mosques, are not just a place for worship but a place to embrace yourself in higher vibration.

You don’t have to pray to the Almighty, but if you just spend some time in these places, you’ll automatically feel better.

You can visit regularly in these places to see increasing benefits and to never get cursed again.

(c) Start yogic practices

If you want to take charge of your life energies, then practicing Yoga is one of the best way to do it.

When you have control over your life energies, then there’s no power in this Universe to hurt you, or go against you.

Chakra Meditation, Breathing exercises, Physical Yogic Practices are some of the ways that can help you get rid of curses.

(d) Mantra Chanting

Great seers of the past created mantra after observing the Universe.

It’s said that Mantras are a way to communicate with the Universal energy.

With regular mantra chanting, your mental and physical body attains the same vibration as the mantra.

And since every mantra vibrates at way higher vibration than and average person, it makes your Aura astonishingly strong.

Vedic mantras are said to be extremely potent, but there are also risks involved with vocal chanting.

Real Life Experience With Curses

Here’s a real-life experience with curses.

Our close neighbor, more than 7 people in total had a lavish lifestyle. I was a kid back then so I remember very little how they used to spend their money.

According to my grandma, they were astonishingly wealthy. Even for today’s standard.

Everything was great with the family but just one thing. The man used to mistreat his parents and elders.

He was rich, had more money than he could ever spend, but never brought his parents any peace.

Worse, they weren’t even well-fed. For whatever reason!

Too Much Effort

Years passed and his wealth and power grew.

But something was about to change after his dad passed away.

Suddenly the man started losing everything he accumulated.

He wasn’t sure what was happening and why, but he was about even lose his high-paying job.

Yet, he continued to mistreat his mother, who also passed away after few years.

Fast-forward to another 10 years, the man had lost EVERYTHING.

He had two kids who failed to do anything in their life. All his the wealth and power were gone.

He was ultimately forced to sell his house and move to a single-room apartment.

His dad and mom unconsciously cursed him for all the torture they had to experience.

The man is alive today, but living a little better life than a homeless. They still live in a one-room apartment with 5 people.

So, this is my short experience with cursing and how someone can literally get destroyed with curses.

Even when the curse is not intentional.


Are Curses Permanent?

While some curses only affect for some time, there are curses that continues for generations. Generational curses are often permanent.

Can You Prevent Getting Cursed?

You can prevent from getting cursed if you carry a strong aura and have strong will-power.

Are Curses Real?

Yes Curses are real and many people get affected by it regularly.

How To Get Rid Of Curse?

If you think you’re cursed then you should visit holy places and start yogic practices.

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