51+ Subconscious Money Affirmations That Work Instantly
Affirmations,  Subconscious Mind Programming

51+ Subconscious Money Affirmations That Work Instantly

Not having money can be demoralizing for most people. You can find very few people who aren’t affected by lack. You might have tried countless “money mantra,” yet nothing has worked till now. But I can pretty much assure you that these 51+ money affirmations are going to change everything.

Before you scroll to the main content, here’s a little suggestion: Use these affirmation and make a subliminal messages audio file. Listen to them as much as possible and you subconscious mind will be trained automatically.

Now, if you’re ready, let’s gooooo……

Money Affirmations

How Affirmations Program The Subconscious Mind?

Affirmations are the best way to program the subconscious mind. In fact, till now I haven’t found any other, quicker way, to program the subconscious mind other than repeated affirmations.

This is how Affirmations program your Subconscious Mind:

(1) Goal Alignment: What is your goal? What do you really want to manifest? Because affirmations are highly effective when they align with your aspirations. This is why no matter what law of attraction book you read, the writer urges you to have a concrete goal. Your subconscious mind will have issues accepting your affirmations if your affirmations don’t match your goal and manifestation target.

(2) Belief & Expectation: Just as I mentioned, once your subconscious mind believes something it tries to make it a living reality. If you just listen/utter the affirmations and don’t believe it, no matter how many times you hear/utter them your subconscious mind won’t accept it. Once you start believing and have expectations about a reality, you’ll see you attitude and behavior will change.

(3) Breaking Limiting Beliefs: This is complex scenario. You believe in affirmations, but you believe that it doesn’t work. You’re stuck in a loop of belief and disbelief. By consistently affirming positive affirmations you initially make a dent in your negative belief system. Eventually, with practice, you’ll completely bring down all the negative beliefs. When that happens, everything in your life will happen fast.

(4) Strong Positive Feelings/Emotions: I cannot express how important emotions and feelings are for affirmations to work. In fact, if your emotions are strong enough, you won’t even need any affirmations. But what happens when you listen/utter affirmations while having a strong emotion about something? You will manifest that thing 100x quicker than normal.

(5) Focused Attention: A focused person can achieve everything quicker than a person who is not. In fact, is most part of our lives we lose something because we weren’t attentive enough at something. Accidents happen because the rider lost their focus. When you’re completely focused on what you want to manifest and not change your manifestation target repeatedly, life will become easy and manifestation will become a piece of cake.

(6) Repetition: You might have the saying that “practice makes perfect.” Repetition of practice makes you even better at something. By consistently listening or uttering affirmations reinforces the subconscious mind with the belief. And once your subconscious mind believes something as real, it does everything under its power to make it a living reality.

Neville Goddard has beautifully explained feeling in his book: “Feeling is the Secret.”

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