13 Signs You're Experiencing Toxic Productivity Which You Need To Quit Immediately
Personal Transformation,  Mindset

13 Signs You’re Experiencing Toxic Productivity Which You Need To Quit Immediately

Welcome to the so-called “Productivity” wave. Funny to say that everybody is trying to be more productive. Great, but do you also know the side affects of productivity?

Let’s talk “toxic productivity.” In this post I’ll list the 13 sure signs you’re experiencing toxic productivity. These are the habits you need to quit as quick a possible for a better and more balanced life.

(1) You Feel Burnout

If there’s one thing you must be aware of while working at something, it is burnout.

Getting burnt out is becoming more common nowadays, thanks to this hustle culture.

What’s more, burnout is so sneaky that it can mess up your life before you know it, and sometimes, it becomes hard to come out of it permanently.

Be aware if you’re overly productive at something. Why? Because not today, but you’re bound to get burnt out after some time.

(2) Perfectionism

Perfectionism is one of the worst abusive behaviors you can do to yourself. Perfectionism can make you less productive and mess up your personality.

Then how should you get over perfectionism? By accepting that you can never be perfect. As simple as that!

Please don’t try to be perfect! It’s a constant struggle, and the outcome is literally nothing.

(3) You Don’t Enjoy Your Job Anymore

Another sure-shot sign that you’re overdoing productivity is when you aren’t enjoying your work anymore like you used to before.

When you don’t enjoy a task anymore, you stagnate in life. The job you once loved is no longer as enjoyable as before. It’s time to move on to something else.

While this may be a good sign that you’ve grown, this may also mean that you’re overproductive and achieving success at a considerable cost.

(4) Avoiding Self-Care

Self-care is not just about exercising and staying physically healthy but also about your mental health.

If you’re regularly skipping self-care, there’s a high chance you’ll get caught up in the toxic productivity tornado. Please take care of yourself.

Have a good night’s sleep, take some time out of your job, and stroll outside, or maybe if you’re kinda introverted, read a book.

Embrace a hobby. Doing that would help you balance work and your freedom.

(5) Never Being Grateful Of Success

Be honest with yourself. How grateful are you for your success? How thankful are you when you succeed at something you love to do?

If you seldom do it, try to be more grateful. This encourages your subconscious mind to work harder and suggest better suggestions.

But, if you’re never grateful and only critical when you make mistakes, you should change it immediately. Not being grateful for something you work hard for invites negativity and pessimism. It’s hard to explain, but being thankful energizes your mind and mental health.

(6) Ignoring Signs Of Degraded Mental Health

Your mental health is of utmost importance. You cannot be productive if your mental health is not up to the mark. Toxic productivity is like skipping the alarm clock by hitting the snooze button repeatedly.

A combination of toxic productivity and degraded mental health is a sure-shot way to ruin your life.

Take a breather. Prioritize your mental health and do whatever it takes to keep toxic productivity away.

(7) Irregular Work-Life Balance

Irregular work-life balance is the root cause of toxic productivity. Unfortunately, due to hustle culture, people glorify irregular work-life balance.

Yes, starting a business disrupts your work-life balance. Still, after everything is established, you’ll surely get time away from work.

But, if you consciously don’t take some time from your work and spend time relaxing, it’s a strong sign of toxic productivity.

(8) Constant Feel Of Being Unproductive

Do you have a constant feeling of being unproductive? Especially when you’re resting or not engaged in your work?

I know how it feels because I have personally experienced this in the past.

Trust me, if you’re experiencing such symptoms, this is a sure sign that you have a routine focused on toxic productivity.

Drop this feeling as soon as possible.

(9) Being More Focused On Short-Term Goal

Which one do you prefer the most? Long-term goal or Short-term goal?

Think about the answer deeply and get back to me.

If you prefer a short-term goal more than a long-term goal, then please be aware that short-term goals and long-term goals are directly linked.

You must have a long-term goal to fix a short-term goal. In fact, short-term goals are the ones that take you closer to the long-term goals.

Hence, if you only focus on a short-term goal, it’s a sign of toxic productivity.

(10) Staying Isolated

Why are you punishing yourself by staying isolated? Did the question feel personal? If yes, that means deep inside, you know you’re living an isolated life.

Well, you know what? It’s time to unplug from the solo act and reach out to people. Yes, you’ll feel awkward initially, but with time, you’ll feel a visible change in your personality and how you think.

Why are you punishing yourself by staying isolated? Did the question feel personal? If yes, that means deep inside, you know you’re living an isolated life.

Well, you know what? It’s time to unplug from the solo act and reach out to people. Yes, you’ll feel awkward initially, but with time, you’ll feel a visible change in your personality and how you think.

Please remember one thing: you, as a human being, are a social being, not just a money-making machine.
Go out, socialize, and enjoy life to the fullest.

(11) A Constant Feeling Of Failure

It takes an immensely pessimistic mind to feel failure even after being successful at everything.

Please don’t do that to yourself. Constantly feeling a sense of failure attracts negative situations in your life. I won’t request you try it because such an experience is painful.

Even in the worst situations in your life, have an optimistic outlook. Trust me, if you are optimistic, Universe will automatically offer you opportunities.

But, if you’re forcefully throwing yourself into pessimism, it’s time you should drop it.

(12) Taking FOMO Too Seriously

“FOMO” stands for “Fear of Missing Out.” In short, FOMO is a social anxiety generated from the belief that others might be enjoying something that you aren’t.

Usually, FOMO is the byproduct of too much social media. You see your friends having a pool party, and you think about yourself as the one who is missing out. You start feeling isolated, which can further lead to depression.

But if you’re experiencing FOMO regarding your job, that means you’re an overworker. You overwork to your bone and yet think that you’re missing out on something.

Chill out a bit, would you? It’s okay to stay out of touch about something that is not important to you. Quit mindless social media scrolling.

(13) Feeling Guilty For Not Being Productive

Do you experience a guilty trip for not being productive? It’s a classic case of toxic productivity. How many hours do you hustle daily? If you’re pushing as much as you can and even trying to hustle 24/7, it’s time to slow down a bit.

Remember one thing: It’s okay to be less productive at times. It’s your mind’s way of taking a rest and saying a big NO to hustle.

Please take a break, cut yourself some slack, and recharge a bit. Quit this guilt over not being overly productive.

How To Quit Toxic Productivity

Well, you might think that doing the exact opposite of toxic productive habits is the best way to stop yourself from such harm. But that’s not exactly it!

Here are some ways you can quit toxic productivity:

  1. Take Break Occasionally
  2. Have A Set Of Habits
  3. Socialize
  4. Learn To Say No
  5. Celebrate Achievements Even If It’s Minuscule
  6. Delegate Task
  7. Limit Information Overload
  8. Embrace Mindfulness
  9. Reflect On Your Life Decisions
  10. Journal

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