11 Tough Questions To Ask Yourself When You're Lost In Life
Personal Transformation

11 Tough Questions To Ask Yourself When You’re Lost In Life

When you’re lost, life becomes one big struggle. Every task feels like a huge challenge, and it seems like nothing is moving forward. It’s tough to live like that, to be honest.

But the good thing is that your life is in your own hands. You are the creator and destroyer of your own life. Hence, in this case, you can constructively change your life for the good by asking these 11 questions.

I’m confident these 11 questions will make your life better. Why? These are the questions I asked myself when my life was in shambles.

What Do I Really Want?

What TF do I really want?

Sounds harsh? Sometimes, taking a different, more fierce route is necessary to solve a long pending issue. 

I don’t know how long you have been like this, but the faster you recover, the better it is for you. 

The best way to begin is by asking yourself the most questions:

What do I really want?

I’m putting so much emphasis on this question because if you know what you want, you have won half of the war. 

There’s no permanent set rule as to how you can ask yourself. You can journal, meditate on the question, discuss it with someone, yell at the wall, or even scribble on your palm. It only matters if it satisfies you. 

But be ready to take action when you receive a divine flash or hunch. You’ll know what you really want when this happens. Just be patient. 

Am I Satisfied With My Present Life?

Another great question to ask yourself is whether you’re satisfied with your present life. You may be earning 5-figures monthly, but are you really happy? 

Yes, money is essential, but there are other aspects of life that you cannot ignore. Physical well-being and mental well-being are also important. 

Or you may want to do something you’ve been pondering for ages, like starting a business. 

Ultimately, if you’re not satisfied with whatever you’re doing, you’ll burn out and leave it altogether. 

Have I Been Haboring Guilt About Something?

If you have read David R. Hawkins, you know how extensively he has mentioned the Energy Chart or Vibrational Chart. And you know, when a great mind like Hawkins mentions something repeatedly, it must be important. 

And it really is!

On the scale of the Energy Chart, shame and guilt stand at the lowest. You might be shocked to learn that below guilt vibration and shame vibration, it’s death. 

Yes, you might have done something you shouldn’t have done in the past. But it’s time to move on. If you can, ask for forgiveness from the person; if it’s impossible, ask forgiveness from the Universe. 

Guilt can eat you up from your core, and there’s no solution unless you consciously or forcefully pull yourself out.

Am I Suppressing Childhood Trauma?

This is quite similar to the previous question. Childhood trauma can hamper a person’s life. In fact, the majority of heinous criminals have some childhood trauma.

Childhood trauma is similar to the thick algae on a pond. They are smelly, stop sunlight, and destroy life.

It’s hard to completely eradicate it, but the pond returns to a beautiful, vibrant life when it’s done.

Suppressing childhood trauma is similar to the algae-infested pond. The quicker it is removed, the better.

When Was The Last Time I Was Stress-Free

The problem with today’s lifestyle is that most people aren’t stress-free. In fact, you’ll find only a handful of people who are calm even in the worst situations. Ask yourself when was the last time you were really free? When was the last time you smiled by looking at a flower.

If you have never had a day without stress, then it’s time you tone down your day-to-day tasks a bit and relax. Your day might be jam-packed with work, but believe me, if you really want some free time you’ll find one.

Am I procrastinating Too Much?

Are you procrastinating a little too much? One way or other everyone procrastinates a little. But, when you do it too much it’s a problem. See if you’re a serial procrastinator. And ask yourself how you can break this bad habit.

If you ask me, sleeping is better than procrastinating. You waste enormous amount of energy when you procrastinate and you gain sadness, and stress in return.

Am I Trying Too Hard?

Trying too hard made my life a mess. The harder I tried, the worse things got. In the end I only got very few result and a LOT of stress and frustration. If you have been trying too hard to achieve something and frustration is engulfing you, it’s time you take a break.

Taking a break provides the subconscious mind some time to work on your thoughts and produce an answer. Unlike before now I take a break when I reach my limit of thinking. And as expected, I receive an answer out of nowhere throughout the day.

You SHOULD NOT try too hard.

What Are My Friends Like?

How many friends do you have? What’s their view on everyday life? Are they optimistic or pessimistic? It’s easy to catch the pessimistic one when you only have a handful of friends.

Eliminate these types of people from you life. They will suck life out of you and bring you down to a life full of misery. Read the book “The 48 Laws of Power to learn more about how negative people can literally destroy your life from its core.

Optimistic friends, on the other hand, can life you up from your misery and push you to become a better version of yourself.

How Much Value Am I Creating Every Day?

How much value did you create yesterday? Value creation is not just making money, it’s also about how efficiently you lead your life. How many tasks did you check from your to-do list? If it’s in average of 50%, that’s good. And if it’s 100%, great.

But, if you’re regularly forgetting to make and follow a to-do list, try making one. In the beginning you don’t have to complete all the tasks, just try to complete one task in the beginning. Eventually complete as many tasks as possible.

Are People’s Opinion Affecting Me?

When someone tells me to do something that requires risk, I see whether the person is offering me their opinion or advice. There’s a deep difference between the two! Anyone can have an opinion about anything, but advice always comes from personal experience.

So, when people throw their opinion on you, tell yourself that these people are only opinionated had no idea about what they are talking about.

Opinion often comes from jealousy. Which is why most opinionated people turn quarrelsome.

How Much Do I Spend Alone, Without Distractions?

How much time do you spend without distractions? Alone and undisturbed. If you already do it, continue.

How much time do you spend without distractions? give yourself alone time every once in a while. It helps calm your Mind and recollect thoughts. Be aware of your thoughts. Are they mostly positive or negative? Is negative, you need to get rid of it immediately.

A Piece Of Advice

Do you maintain a daily journal? Daily journaling before sleep will help you find out loopholes in your lifestyle. You’ll be surprised to discover the sheer number of loopholes in your daily life.

Another thing is to not get demotivated while solving your issues. You have to be patient.

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