How To Program Subconscious Mind With Subliminal Affirmations
Subconscious Mind Programming,  Affirmations

How To Program Subconscious Mind With Subliminal Affirmations?

I never know how powerful the subconscious mind was until I read The Power of your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. It’s a great book to know that the subconscious mind has no limits. It can make almost anything happen a human can think of.

But how to program the subconscious mind? Well, there are many ways, but among all the best way is by listening to subliminal affirmations.

In this post I have tried to explain the easiest way to program your subconscious mind with subliminal affirmations.

Ready? Let’s gooo…

Fix Your Manifestation Target

Make a list of things or events you want to manifest. Take as much time as possible to decide what you really want. Write everything, even if you think it’s not essential or just a minuscule thing to manifest. The more you write, the better you’ll know your hidden desires.

Apply your utmost effort to decide your manifestation target. Because if you don’t know what you want to manifest, nobody is going to tell you.

This is something that only you know everything about.

If you still need to figure out what affirmations to make, get help from ChatGPT. You can edit the produced affirmations before making your personal subliminal audio

Describe Your Affirmations In Present Tense

No! When you listen to affirmations in the future tense, the subconscious mind pushes your manifestation to the future, not the present. 

You continuously affirm to the subconscious that you don’t want something now; you want it in the future. Which is not what you desire. 

It’s simple, yet most people, including me, repeat this mistake. So, if you have written, “I want to earn $100K,” change it to something like this: “Thank you for the $100K.”

Also, make the affirmation as evident as possible. Rather than just affirmation, I want to earn $100K, affirm: Thank you for the $100K within 6 months

Don’t Overwhelm Your Subconscious Mind

I know you are in a hurry to manifest your desires. I’m not judging you for that. But I want to stop you before you make this silly mistake.
Don’t overwhelm your subconscious mind.

Yes, the subconscious mind is all-powerful, but your mind may cause an issue. Many people call it brainfart, but I want to call it subconsciousmindfart. Suppose you overload your brain with too many instructions at once. In that case, it may lose efficiency and not produce the desired results.

One obvious sign is a headache. If you experience a headache when you listen to the affirmations, it clearly indicates that you’re overwhelming your brain.

In the beginning, limit the number to 10 affirmations. Listen to them regularly and see how you feel. If you feel good, try increasing the list. Keep repeating until you think it’s time to stop.

Don’t worry if you think your subconscious mind is weak; it is not! It just needs a little practice.

Use Free Software To Record Your Personal Affirmations

Now, it’s time you create your own subliminal affirmation audio. Download any music you wouldn’t mind listening to for hours. You can also mix more than one piece of music in the same audio.

The Next step is to record your voice while reading the affirmations or use the text-to-speech function on your phone.

After you’ve recorded it, use a video editing software like Inshot or any other of your choice.

Listen Whenever You’re Free

You are almost there! You have made your own subliminal affirmation audio and ready to train your subconscious mind. The next question you might have is: When should I listen? And for how long?

It’s simple! Listen whenever you’re free and as long as you want to. But avoid listening when you’re driving or dealing with something risky.

I personally feel that subliminal affirmations work great when you’re concentrating on something. I once listened to subliminal affirmations while working and it worked pretty fast. It also worked quite fast when I listened it while playing computer game.

Subconscious Mind Responds Faster With More Practice

The more you listen the faster your subconscious mind will respond to it. At the end of the day the subconscious mind is a part of the “Mind.” The only difference is that the subconscious mind operates on a much higher level than the conscious mind.

Hence, if you rigorously train your subconscious mind with the affirmations along with putting in the work , you’ll get faster results.

That’s it from my side… Over to you.

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