Reality Shifting Specific Person Manifestation Method
LOA & Manifesting

Manifest A Specific Person Fast By Reality Shifting (SERIOUS!)

You’re nearly there!

You have already completed the basic requirements to manifest a specific person.

How? You already know what you want to manifest. Something that most people don’t have any clue about.

What you only need is a manifestation method that works fast.

Enter Reality Shifting. Hands down, one of the most powerful manifestation method I’ve tried.

Now that you know a little about it… Let’s dive in.

What Is Reality Shifting?

Reality Shifting is a manifestation method by which you adapt a new reality about yourself. You spend every moment of your life by staying in that reality for an extended periods of time. After some time you permanently shift to a new vibration which suits with your reality.

The explain it more simply, if you want to become the best salesperson in your team, you start by adapting a personality of the best salesperson ever. How would the best salesperson in your team behave, walk, talk, dress, eat…you get it.

After thinking about the qualities, you just start spending you daily life carefully putting yourself through those qualities.

In the beginning it’ll be complex and boring. You’ll make mistakes by reverting back to your present reality (the one you want to get rid of). Eventually, with time, you’ll see that this new personality you made for yourself has become permanent.

Your subconscious mind has accepted it and now you don’t need any effort.

The beauty of this Reality Shifting manifestation method is that it’s fast and super-accurate. There’s no middle way. You either become a completely new version of yourself, or stay at what you were before.

How To Manifest A Specific Person By Shifting Reality?

I suppose you already have an idea of how Reality Shifting works!

Yet, I’ll explain it you how to manifest a specific person by shifting to a new reality.

Step 1 : Write down in as much detail as possible about why you want to manifest the specific person?

how will manifesting the person affect you and them. Are you trying to manifest the person against their will? What qualities you need to have for a successful manifestation?

Step 1 is probably the most crucial step before you start reality shifting. Because if you’re not clear about what you want to manifest, one day you’ll feel lost and stop the process.

Step 2 : Let’s say your final list has 10 qualities you want to shift to. Don’t just jump into trying all the 10 qualities at once. Your Mind will be overwhelmed and force you to quit.

Start with 2 qualities in the beginning. Be observant while you adapt them into your life. Don’t fret to make mistakes. You WILL make mistakes in the beginning unless you’ve a mind of the Buddha.

It’s okay to make mistakes, but it’s not okay to keep repeating them too often. Once you feel to have adapted those 2 qualities, it’s time to move ahead with the next 2 qualities.

Keep on increasing the number of qualities with time, and by the end of 21 days you’ll feel much better than day 1.

Step 3 : Grab Opportunities.

This is the final step that many people hesitate to take. Grabbing opportunities. Your subconscious mind has accepted your new reality and the Universe knows that best for you now.

The Universe throws you opportunities best suited for your reality to complete. The Universe cannot accept imbalance, and offering you opportunities to manifest the specific person is her way to create a balance.

But if you’re shy or feel shame/guilt to accept the golden opportunity, the Universe will eventually drag you down to a reality where you don’t receive any opportunity.

Don’t worry what people say, it’s your life. Homo Sapiens are Logic dominated, and the Mind (the Logic center) cannot accept defeat. So it tries to bring you down.

You’ll see that once you take the opportunity, those people vanish from your life. Two or Three years after, you’ll find those people still stuck to their reality of lack, shame and guilt. They would have long forgotten you, and the best they could only do is grind their teeth against their overinflated ego.

Is It Bad To Manifest A Specific Person?

I won’t throw a diplomatic answer at you by saying that “It depends.”

Manifesting a specific person is only bad when you’re doing it against their Will.

You should not force someone to do something they hate to. But of course you can convince them! Who knows, maybe your failed manifestation is a sign of the Universe.

I have manifested quite a few people in my life. But I’ve tried not to force them.

Here’s a short story of how I manifested a specific person:

Avengers: Endgame was releasing and I really wanted to have an IMAX experience. But there was no one. So, I thought to go alone. Then something hit me. I thought, “this is an opportunity to try reality shifting to manifest a friend.”

I booked two tickets. Me and my (imaginary) friend planned to watch Avengers: Endgame.

My intentions and emotions were so strong that I manifested one of my friend within 3 days.

Did I force my friend to manifest? No! He too wanted to watch Avengers: Endgame.

How Quick Is Reality Shifting Method?

Most manifestation method take at least 21 days to show visible results. Reality Shifting, on the other hand has no such criteria.

Everything is dependent on the intensity of your emotions. I have seen people change within a day just because they had strong emotions and intention to adapt to a new reality.

But, I can almost assure you that if you follow Reality Shifting method correctly, you’ll start seeing results after 21 days.

Can Reality Shifting Manifest Something Bad?

I strong feel this is the most asked question after “How to manifest?”

We humans have a habit of asking too many questions, especially when things go according to our plans. Which is a good thing to a certain point.

So, can Reality Shifting manifest something unwanted?

No, if you do the process correctly.
Yes, if your intentions are not clear.

No matter how strongly you try to manifest a person, if your intention is not right, things will go wrong.

If you practice Reality Shifting while having strong negative intentions, you’ll manifest that reality into yourself.

This is the reason why I always recommend to calm your Mind and then proceed towards any kind of manifestation method.

Gratitude is one way to train your Mind to be positive.

Sharing is Gratitude...

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