How To Use Scripting Method To Manifest Your Dream Home?
Scripting is a powerful way to manifest what you want in life. Whenever I’ve wanted to manifest something, I just start writing in my journal and boom! It’s like magic – it works flawlessly almost every time!
In this post, I’m going to share with you how you can use the Scripting Manifestation Method to make your dream home a reality. So, let’s dive right in…
The 21 Days Challenge
I probably have guessed it right! You either outright don’t believe that you can manifest your dream home within 21 days, or you partially believe it to be true. I welcome both viewpoint.
Yes, its very much possible to manifest your dream home in 21 days provided you have a deep desire to have your own home, and have a deep faith that you can manifest by scripting.
The only reason why most people fail to manifest anything is because they change their manifestation target too often. If you too do that, stop it right now, and you’ll automatically feel a huge shift in your personality and self-confidence.
Keep A Separate Journal Only For Scripting
Now that you’ve set a concrete goal to manifest your dream home, it’s time to dive into business.
Buy a new Journal or Diary or a Notebook. Whatever you like. But if you could buy a premium-looking Diary with images of your preferred home, that would be great.
Maybe you won’t ever look at those images, but just a glance can positively impact your Subconscious Mind and give it ideas about your dream home.
Keep that Diary ONLY for Scripting about your dream home. Please don’t use the Diary for anything else, no matter how important something is.
Make A Habit To Journal At A Specific Time
Embracing good habits is quite a trend right now. People have finally understood that habits affect the most part of their lives.
Make Scripting 3 times daily, in the morning, afternoon, and before sleep, a habit. Scripting 3 times a day about your dream house should be a habit, just like you brush your teeth daily.
Initially, journaling might feel forced, but eventually (usually after 21 days), it will become a habit.
Finally, this is an insanely subtle aspect of journaling, but it will help you in the long run.
I recommended scripting your journal 3 times a day but didn’t mention any time. Which is really important.
If you chose 8AM for morning scripting, 2PM for afternoon and 10PM as night journal time. Then you must stick to it.
Suppose you continue every day at the same time. In that case, your Subconscious Mind will accept that timeframe as “time for scripting.”
You won’t have to force yourself to journal. It’ll happen effortlessly.
Create A List Of Affirmations
What? Affirmations? Aren’t we talking about Scripting Manifestation here?
Yes, we are! But having a small list of affirmations is a great way to confirm your dream house reality.
Affirmations like:
“I love my new dream house.”
“I love how great sunrise and sunset looks from my new dream house.”
“The new chandelier is breath-taking.”
And the list goes on. But keep the list as small and precise as possible. Because feelings are more important than just chanting affirmations just for the sake of it.
Whenever you have a few seconds or minutes. Close your eyes and mentally read those affirmations with strong feelings.
Experience Your Home As An Existing Reality
You probably know this already. Still, I’ll repeat this again!
NEVER write or mentally affirm that your manifestation is in the future.
Feel and think as if it’s already here. You have already manifested it.
If you think or write: “I will manifest my dream home.”
You’re confirming that your dream home is in the future and still unmanifested.
But if you make it as if it’s already here, the Universe and your Subconscious Mind will have no option but to bring your dream home closer to you.
You can take manifestation a step higher by physically visiting the place you want your dream home in.
What type of neighborhood do you want your dream house in? How does the air smell? What does the trees look like? The more detailed you are, the better.
Keep It To Yourself
This is a harsh reality, but most people are unhappy when they see your success. They consciously or unconsciously want you to fail miserably.
Their lips may say something else, but in their mind, they are cursing themselves for their failure and want you to experience the same.
So, the best way to tackle this is to NEVER REVEAL YOUR PLANS to anyone. No matter how close they are.
Surprise them!
And if they complain about why you didn’t inform them anything, joke around and make an excuse.
Because once you’ve manifested your desire, they have no influence.
You either learn this by first-hand experience or through other’s experience. And I hope you don’t have to experience something adverse.
Be Open To Any Opportunity
You’re almost there. You have set a scripting habit, created a list of affirmations, and guarded yourself from failure. Now, it’s time to complete your manifestation.
Be open to any opportunity. Opportunities may come to you disguised in any form. You have to identify them.
The best way to identify an opportunity is to look for unique events that usually never happen.
Something like you meet a random person in a restaurant who has a house in the same neighborhood you want your dream home. You two became good friends and he/she offers you to come to their house.
Here, the Universe is trying to manifest your dream, but ultimately, it’s your decision to take it or leave. If you pass, the Universe will find another way. But if you ignore all opportunities, the Universe will stop helping you. It’s that simple!
Start Adapting A New Lifestyle
Start changing your lifestyle. Now that you’re about to move to your dream home, you must also have the personality and lifestyle to sustain it.
Start changing your lifestyle. What kind of lifestyle would you spend while living in your dream house?
Be Shameless!
You heard that right.
People have no idea how having shame limits every ounce of their life. They are ashamed of accepting (more like choosing) an opportunity just because they feel “it’s wrong.”
If you, too, feel that way. Get out of it NOW!
And once you break through shame, you’ll see how manifestation becomes a child’s play. On top of everything, life becomes effortless.
But of course, you cannot do something indecent and claim to be “shameless.” You must set your boundaries right.