How Can I Manifest A Specific Person
LOA & Manifesting,  Affirmations,  Goal Setting,  Meditation

How To Manifest A Specific Person In 5 Steps

Is it really possible to Manifest a Specific Person?

The short answer to this is Yes, you can manifest a SP.

But, is it bad or wrong to manifest someone without without them knowing?

Well, that’s what we’ll look into detail in this post.

5 Steps To Manifest A Specific Person:

  1. Practice Scripting About The Specific Person.

    How To Script And Manifest Something

    What qualities would you like in your Specific Person?
    Write it down or speak it in existence.

    You’ll feel great after writing. Your thoughts will get more vivid and strong.
    You can also speak about the person as much as you can. But be aware of how you behave in public.

    Scripting and writing Affirmations about the person and the situations is one of the best ways to Manifest.

    Scripting will also help you in releasing blocked energies and free you from hidden emotions.

  2. Visualize The Moments You’d Spend With Them.

    Subconscious Mind Mastery Easiest Process

    After Scripting, Visualizing the time you’d spend with the Specific Person is also a great practice to crystallize your thoughts.

    Look at the moments like you’d see it from your eyes rather than like a third-person seeing it.

    It’s okay if your thoughts drift in the beginning and questions arise.
    Ignore all those thoughts and keep on with the practice.
    Sooner or later you’ll see those same things happening in real and not just in your Mind.

  3. Use The Acting As If Technique

    Acting As If Technique

    The Acting As If Technique is the most powerful manifestation technique out there.
    While the Mental Movie Technique works only on your Mind, the Acting As If works on your physical body as well as your Mind.

    How would you spend your day-to-day life after/while meeting the person?

    How would you speak?
    How would your body language be?
    How would you respond to their jokes and stories?
    Would you change your daily activities for the person? If yes, then how it would be?

    These are some of the questions you can ask yourself while Scripting and answer them accordingly.

  4. Become Aware Of The 5 Senses.

    All Chakra In Human Body

    Our 5 senses are the only way we absorb information in Human realm.
    The more refined your 5 senses are, the better you’ll feel your surroundings and situation.

    Observe your breath as much as you can! Observing your breath will make you more aware of your surroundings and how breathing affects EVERYTHING about you.

    Yes, literally EVERYTHING.

    Make it a practice of Meditating before doing your Manifestation exercise.
    Meditation will also help you in attaining a strong and stable Mind, which is also essential for better Manifesting.

  5. Raise Your Energy.

    Third Eye Chakra Meditation

    Life-Energy or Life-Force is the basic construction of our existence.
    The more Life-Energy you have the more effective and efficient you’ll be.
    You’ll be more powerful. Maybe not physically but surely mentally.

    Your Emotions are directly linked to your Energy state. If you’re low on Emotions, you’ll inevitably be low on Energy and vice-verse.

    Higher energy people do not carry much resistance and manifest something faster than low lesser energy people.

Can You Manifest Someone Who Doesn’t Know You?

Yes, you can manifest a person even if they don’t know you.

You might have more questions and confusions but it’s actually possible to manifest someone even if they don’t know you!

As you continue with your manifestation technique, your vibration eventually matches with the person you want to manifest.

And when this happens the Universe will create opportunity for both of you to meet under suitable or strange chances.

Here’s my personal experience :

Few years ago, for a brief moment I had a strong emotion about a good friend.

We never met after graduating from school and I wished to know how he was doing!

After few days I received a call from an unknown phone number.

It was him, the friend I thought about!

He somehow got my phone number from an another friend who was a mutual friend of mine.

You might say that he wasn’t an “unknown” guy, but an old friend!

But the thing is that we never met in 12 years and we forgot each other’s existence.

Yet, we somehow met through an another friend who, surprisingly, had my phone number!

So, it’s possible to met manifest a specific person if that person doesn’t know you.

How Long Does It Take To Manifest A Specific Person?

You can manifest a specific person within 1 day or few months.

How quickly you manifest a person entirely depends on how intense your thoughts and energies are and how receptive the target person is.

You may face delay in manifesting the person if:

  • The person knows nothing about you.
  • The person’s energies and thoughts are stronger than yours.
  • If you have too many doubts and questions.
  • The Universe doesn’t want you the manifest the specific person.

In my situation, I unconsciously manifested the person within few days.

I was able to manifest so quickly not just because I had intense energy and thought about him, but also because he was receptive.

If his energies and thoughts were more powerful than mine, nothing would have happened.

Similarly, when you’ll try to manifest someone, either you know him or not, it’ll highly depend on how powerful you are.

Also, keep this in mind to manifest much quicker :

  • Let Go of the HOW!
  • Have good intentions.
  • Meditate more.
  • Use your energies wisely

(1) Asking too many questions shows doubt and also the inability to Believe in the process.

You must have Faith and a strong Belief.

(2) Always have good intentions about why you’re trying to manifest the specific person.

The Universe will punish you through “Karma Cleaning” to balance the misused energy.

(3) Meditating is the secret to Manifestation!

Even Scientists have proven that Meditating regularly strengthens the Mind and nourishes the Brain.

(4) This is what most Law of Attraction practitioner don’t talk about!

You have to use your energies wisely if you want to become effective. PERIOD.

Why You Should NOT Manifest A Specific Person?

You might take a step back before manifesting a specific person!

Especially if you just met the person only for a limited period of time.

Maybe the specific person is not the ideal one whom you thought he/she would be!

You might have heard of cases where an ardent fan thought their favorite celeb was the “most perfect person” ended up having a nasty experience!

But don’t worry, the Universe is always there to warn you before anything negative happens.

You only have to follow its command and act accordingly!

The next situation is about you!

Let’s say you want to manifest someone who doesn’t want to be manifested!

Would you accept that?

If Yes, then it’s okay, and you should just move on.

If you know this and you still carry on, then you should check if you’re becoming obsessed!

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