Thank You Technique
LOA & Manifesting,  Gratitude

Can Gratitude Help In Manifestation?

Jesus, Mohammed, or the Buddha, all of them were, for all their life, thankful & grateful to everything & everyone around them.

These great being never met, but they have this one common trait: “Gratitude.

Saying “Thank You” is a simple act, but if you do it by heart, without expecting anything in return you’ll end-up receiving something you never expected.

So, can you accelerate Manifestation by just saying Thank You and being Gracious?

You won’t find out unless you follow Gratitude!

But keep this one thing in Mind: You’ll need dedication and stick to the process!

The “Gratitude Technique”

The 5 steps to Manifest with Gratitude.

  1. Start Your Day By Saying Thank You

    Start Your Day By Saying Thank You

    How do you begin your morning?

    Scrolling through Social Media? Meditating?

    Or just begin the day with an unconscious planning?

    How you begin your day is directly responsible for the entire day that follow.

    Try this:

    As soon as you wake up, thank God/Higher Self/Universe/Subconscious Mind for the great day.

    Express Gratitude for showering you with all the overflowing opportunities, and for how effectively and efficiently you use them.

  2. Realign Your Desire

    Determine Your Goal

    Realigning Desires is the most important step if you want to manifest.

    But, what’s beautiful about saying Thank You is that it works even if you haven’t set a goal!

    The Universe/Higher Self will suggest you & make you aware of the best Goal/Desire suited for you!

    You’ll intuitively know what’s best for you!

  3. Have A Positive Attitude When Thinks Go Wrong

    Divide Goal In Fragments

    You’re bound to have good days and some bad days in your daily life.

    And most of the time you won’t be responsible those events!

    What can you do when something happens against your will?

    Thank the Universe/Higher Self for making you aware of the negative situation.

    Have a sense of calmness & think:

    “Whatever the situation, I know the Universe is guiding me towards my Desire/Goal.”

    You may feel down/negative even after saying this to yourself, but with practice (at least 21 days) you’ll become more aware & happy despite your external situations.

  4. Deal With Negative People

    Too Much Effort

    Dealing with a Person is whole lot different than dealing with a Situation.

    A person who has lived most of their life negatively will unconsciously try to turn their surrounding negative.

    They will try to bring down a higher vibration space to low vibration!

    What can you do when such a person starts affecting you?

    (a) The first step should be to try to help.

    Is the person even receptive to take your advice? Do your best even if there’s 0.1% chance.

    (b) If the person is abusive(verbally/physically) you know what to do!

    Slowly move away from him/her. There’s very little chance that person will improve until something really drastic happens in their life.

    Karma exists!

    There comes a natural tendency to generate hatred for that person.

    No! Never do that!

    You’ll too join the same league as him/her!

    After moving away you can either just forget about him/her or can Thank the Universe to keep you safe from such people.

  5. End Your Day With A Thank You

    End Your Day With A Thank You

    When you rejoin your bed at night, before you sleep just be Grateful & Thankful to the Universe/Higher Self.

    Thank it for making your day joyful & pushing you towards your Desire/Goal.

    Let’s say a particular day didn’t go well and everything happened against you. Obviously you’ll find it hard to discover anything good throughout the day.

    But the “Gratitude Technique” will work as a magnet in this situation.

    It’ll automatically attract the positive events best suited for your life.

That’s it!

Believe me if you continue this practice genuinely, you’ll see difference within a month (starts after 21 days).

How you’re treated by everyone will be different, negative people will automatically move away from your life, you’ll automatically attract people & situations matching your desired goal.

And in the end the way you’ll treat your life and surrounding will be on a completely different level.

Great! Now that you’ve made till the end. Check my answers on Quora. Of course you can message me! Come Let’s talk…

Sharing is Gratitude...

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