Get Rid Of These 9 Types Of People From Your Life
We meet countless people in our lives. While some people stay with use forever, most don’t. How long people stay in our lives depends on various factors that we eventually decide. For some it’s love, or trust. And, for some it’s the both.
It’s not easy to select the people we want to keep in our lives. Often it’s too late. So, how can you decide the type of people who you should hangout with, and whom to get rid off?
Hence, in this post I’ll list down the 9 types of people you should get rid off from your life. I know that a mere 9 factors aren’t enough, but it’s better to know something than to stay in complete darkness.
Are you ready? Let’s go….
(1) Energy Vampires
Few years ago I learned about this term called Energy Vampires. It’s a term used for people who are insanely pessimistic. So pessimistic that their sheer presence is energetically draining. These people carry a aura that sucks energy around them.
What’s surprising about these types of people is that people are naturally attracted to them. Especially those people with low self-esteem, shame, guilt and sadness. Highly energetic people instinctively feel their negative presence and choose to avoid contacting them.
How can you catch an Energy Vampire? If you have ever felt low on energy after talking to a specific person, then it’s an indication. Initially you can treat the person as a suspect, but just to make sure, observe how you feel after talking or staying with that person for an extended period of time.
Energy Vampires are a menace. Either consciously or unconsciously, these people are stuck between the good and bad. Their energy is like a never-ending hell that is filled with negative thoughts and emotions. Unlike an enlightened being, Energy Vampires have a pitch-black aura.
(2) Complainers
Play a little game with yourself. Take a day out of your usual schedule and use it observe how many times you complain. Your task is to only observe, not stop yourself from complaining. You can either use an app, or pen and paper to note it down. At the end of the day, you’ll be surprised to know the number.
Complaining about something shows your inability to welcome change. You cannot resist change! In fact, you should adapt to it and move forward accordingly. Sadly, most people spend their entire lives complaining. Avoid these kinds of people.
Complainers have two kinds of fate: (a) They welcome change, (b) They get crushed under change.
If you know someone who hates (a), then you should leave them before the big ball (b) crushes you along with the complainer. Also, nobody likes a whiner! Although they become the star of a low-value group, the high-value group harder recognizes them.
99% of your future is in your hands. The other 1% is luck. So, if you work towards the 99%, the remaining 1% has no choice but to come towards you.
(3) Who Don’t Stop You From Making Mistakes
Never trust a friend who is silent. I don’t exactly remember where did I read about this quote, but this one small sentence has helped me get rid of several so-called “caring” people away from my life. I’m still surprised about how effective this sentence has been in my life.
People are often wolves in sheep’s clothing. They act like a soft, domesticated animal when they are with you, and when the time comes, they WILL turn against you. But how can you catch these people beforehand? But, observing them when you make mistakes.
If your closest friend doesn’t care when you make mistakes. If they are just silent and watching the whole show while you suffer, it’s a BIG sign. A friend who cares for you will try to everything in their power to stop you from taking any potential bad decision. Yes, it’s hard to have such people in life, but you only need one.
You’re lucky if you have such friend in your life. This one caring friend is better than 10 opportunistic friends.
(4) People Who Takes Pleasure From Others Pain
Now, be aware of people who take pleasure from pain. Hard truth, but these types of people are dangerous. Taking pleasure from other’s pain is a negative mental state that needs immediate medical attention.
If there’s someone close to you who have these characteristics, then, at first you must take a step away from them. Detach yourself from them as quick as possible, and then offer them help. If they don’t take any and start affecting your life, take necessary action to push them away from your life.
Taking pleasure from other’s pain is often a psychopathic tendency. So, if you have relation with such a person/people, you know what to do.
(5) Who Intentionally Hurt You
Stay awake from people who intentionally hurt you mentally and, maybe, physically. These people are sadist and engulf your life before your know it. They are master-manipulators and only use you as their ladder to reach higher positions.
Something like this happens pretty commonly in an ill-managed, ego-driven company. People intentionally hurt their employees and use them as ladder to reach higher positions.
These types of people find it amusing to hurt someone’s feelings for a good time. They are unapologetic and justify their action with some lame a** excuse. I hope you don’t have such people in your life, because if you do, it must have been so painful.
Let nobody hurt you! especially when it’s intentional. Take help if necessary.
(6) Manipulative
Trust me when I say this: 99% of all the people you meet in your life are manipulative. It’s a harsh truth, but the sooner your know it, the better. If you know this fact, handling people is going to be so much easier.
Everyone wants to achieve something. At first they try the good way, and when the straight way doesn’t work, they take a different route of manipulating people. Yes, manipulation is bad, but, you won’t survive in this dog-eat-dog world.
Protection is better than cure. Hence, you may not plan to manipulate anyone, but you sure can learn these dark psychology tricks and stay safe from it. Also, keep such people away from your life. You cannot trust them under any situation.
Because, at the end of the day, their only motive is to use you as a ladder. Once their jobs is done, they will forget you. So, it’s better to have no relation with these types of people than to stay in a manipulative relationship.
(7) Who Take Your Credit
Some people find it a so-called “normal” thing to steal other people’s credit. This is mostly common in companies with bad management. Unfortunately, this is not new! Robbing people off their fame is a common thing.
Did someone’s name popped in your head while reading this? Whoever it is, he/she is taking your credit for your hard work. Don’t let anyone do this to you, no matter how close they are to you. Never sell yourself short and let people take advantage of you.
Yes, It’s hard to take a stand for yourself, and you may even ruin relationships. But, in the long run, getting rid of such people is only going to save your life, and give you freedom. Saying NO! is power. A power that not everybody has.
(8) Unlucky People
This one is controversial, but you might know people who are called “unlucky” because of how negative their sheer presence is. They exude a negative aura and only attract misfortunes in their lives. Unless you know how to increase your vibration and clean your aura, stay 10 feet away from such people.
Mark Twain once said: “They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”
This quote fits perfectly with unlucky people. It’s normal for them to live in such negative situations, and they will drag you down when you try to lift them up. So, the best option is to stay away from them and just let them be.
It’s sad, but only a handful of people can handle their negative aura. If you’re confident enough, you can try. But, don’t complain when something goes wrong with your life.
(9) Who Are Possessive
A possessive person is dangerous. No matter how much you love a possessive person, they won’t ever be full. They will try everything under their power to control your life. What makes a possessive person more dangerous is the fact that they take control of your life slowly.
Slowly but surely they will start controlling your life before your know it. These types of people rob of you off you freedom and make you feel guilty of your actions if it’s against them.
Hence, if you have someone in your life who has such characteristics, it’s time to start moving away from them. The quicker you do it, the better it is for your future. Honestly, it’s better late than sorry.