6 Simple Eating Habits To Start Before Valentine's Day Week
Habit Building,  Personal Transformation

6 Simple Eating Habits To Start Before Valentine’s Day Week

Valentine’s Day is approaching, and it’s that time of the year when you take extra care of yourself and want to be that girl who is the perfect one. So, what can you do to glow up before Valentine’s Day? The primary goal is to start a good eating habit and quit the bad ones.

Hence, in this post, I’ll list the 6 simplest eating habits you can start before Valentine’s Day week. It’s best for you if you can continue it, but only a few days of practicing this can make a big difference.

With this, let’s start…

Eating Habit 1: Prevent Overeating

I suppose you already sensed this was coming. Overeating is the root cause of most problems in the physical body. The surprising thing that most of us don’t know about is that overeating can cause mental imbalance, too.

Yes, too much munching can dull your brain, making it harder to think. Worse, you’ll feel sleepy if your stomach is full. Unfortunately, there’s a thin line between controlled eating and malnourished eating that most users don’t seem to understand.

Honestly, it’s quite easy to have a controlled diet. Eat only 2/3 of what you regularly eat, and avoid drinking water while eating. Drinking water while eating disturbs your digestion process. Which is worse for your body.
Once you control your eating habits, it’s time to move on to the more critical ones.

Eating Habit 2: Reduce Sugar Consumption

For some reason, if you’re having difficulty following all the six eating habits, you can only follow one. Let it be this one. Reduce sugar. In fact, if you can, stop it altogether, at least a few weeks before this Valentine’s Day.

Unfortunately, most of what we eat contains sugar. It’s hazardous for your body in the long run. What makes sugar worse is that it’s addictive. Once you have a taste, you will want more.

Here are some benefits of quitting sugar:

(a) Improved Energy Levels
(b) Improve Skincare
(c) Better Dental Health
(d) Good Sleep
(e) Easy To Manage Weight

These 5 are only a few. There are many more subtle good effects of quitting sugar.

Of course, if you have a medical condition, please consult a doctor before changing your eating habits. Sugar is bad, but it’s critical for your health. If your doctor suggests decreasing sugar consumption, you can follow the above procedure.

Eating Habit 3: Have Balanced Meal

Before Valentine’s Day, you must attain a naturally attractive body. And that can only be possible with a balanced meal. A balanced meal is the perfect balance between taste and good nutrition.

A balanced meal fills your body with energy, balances your weight, improves your physical health, and makes your skin glow. That’s why fruits are preferred the most when someone thinks of dieting.

Now that you’ve reduced sugar consumption, your body is already recovering from all that damage from sugar. Yes, you’ll feel the urges, but they diminish with time.

I switched from high-sugar, high-fat food to a balanced meal a few years ago. Here’s what my daily meal looks like:

(a) After Waking Up: One tablespoon of neem powder with lukewarm water on an empty stomach. I have never tasted anything more bitter than raw neem powder, but this one tablespoon is enough to improve gut health. 

(b) Breakfast: A mix of oats, curd/rice, strawberries, raisins, cashew nuts, dates, almonds, black raisins and honey. Once a week, I dry-roast chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, and sunflower seeds and drink them with milk. I prefer bananas with them, too. 

(c) Lunch: Since I’m a vegetarian, meat, fish, and eggs are not an option for me. So, to balance protein, I fill my plate with pulses and soy protein chunks. I eat less at lunch and keep the quantity less. 

(d) Dinner: I prefer a light dinner. So, I either eat the same as I ate at lunch or have puffed rice. It’s light, and I love the crunchy feeling.

This simple diet has literally changed my life. I went from underweight to the most suitable weight within a few weeks. Taking neem has improved my gut health. I don’t have any skin issues, my digestion is always on fire, and I have a sound sleep.

You can copy this, but please consult your doctor if you have any previous allergy experience.

Eating Habit 4: Smart Snacking

Since you have quit sugar, consuming processed snacks, chips, or spirited drinks is no question. Then what should you do when you have those compulsive urges to eat?

Shift to healthier alternatives like fresh fruits, raw nuts, or yogurt. Mix dry fruits, apples, yogurt, and unadulterated honey. Keep it in the refrigerator, and feast on it whenever you want to eat or consume sugar products.

Smart Snacking is a great alternative to eating huge quantities. It also helps you from unconscious overeating. Eating fruits can improve your overall health, especially your skin and hair. And if you want to impress him this Valentine’s Day, you must go all in.

Eating Habit 5: Switch To Home-Cooked Food

Nothing is more nourishing than home-cooked food. Especially when you or your mom cooks it. Beyond nutrition, the care makes the food tastier and good for your health.

If you’re too accustomed to eating processed foods, please ensure they don’t contain sugar. Yeah, it’s almost impossible to have a sugar-free processed food.
Hence, if you can, please switch to home-cooked food. If you don’t stay home or have time to cook for yourself, at least try to have one home-cooked meal.

But, if you’re finding it impossible to access home-cooked food, the best option would be to buy one. Food home delivery services are rising because people are more health conscious nowadays. You can try that service and see for yourself.

Eating Habit 6: STOP Drinking (For Now)

Finally, if you occasionally drink, then you should put that to a stop for now. Drinking is hazardous to your health and is more damaging than sugar. Moreover, drinking dulls your senses, which is required to feel subtle love from the person in front of you.

You can switch to herbal tea, go out and meet friends, and have other (non-sugar) drinks. In short, divert yourself from the urges, and you’ll eventually feel better.

In the end, it’s your choice. Whether you want to glow up and be that girl only for Valentine’s Day or permanently embrace this in your life. You are the controller of your life. Because the moment you start controlling your life and bend your personality according to your will, magical things start happening.
See yaa!

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