Can You Undo Manifestation? How To Prevent Reverse Manifesting?
Practicing Law of Attraction is an exciting experiment! While majority of the people do this process to “manifest” something, there are also people who do it just to see whether it works.
And you know what’s common in an experiment?
Law of Attraction is extremely powerful, but it’s also tricky to handle. Especially when the practitioner is negative minded.
When LOA goes haywire and manifest something that’s unwanted/bad, then it’s call “Reverse Manifesting.”
Can You Undo Manifestation? For REAL??
For someone who’s facing the so-called “Reverse Manifestation,” here are some of the question they ask in the beginning:
Why am I manifesting bad things?
Why Me?
Then comes the real question:
Can I Undo This Manifestation?
And the answer is an “YES.”
Here are some of the ways you can undo manifestation…
(1) Calm The Mind (IMPORTANT)
I cannot explain how IMPORTANT it is to calm the mind!
In fact let alone manifesting anything, if your Mind is not calm, you’ll have a hard time even thinking the future you desire.
As soon as you’ll start thinking of a future, you’ll Mind will just wander to a different thought, and then another, and then another… This will keep on going and by the time you come to awareness too much time would have already passed.
(1) So, the first step is to Calm The Mind.
Now, here’s a trick the Mind plays. It’ll make you feel that it has calmed down, but in fact what the Mind has really done is suppressed the emotions and thoughts. You’ll feel “thoughtless,” but most of the time it’s the Mind cleverly suppressing each and every thought.
You’ll know that the Mind has really calmed down when even a negative situation won’t destabilize your thinking which used to do once upon a time.
This way you’ll easily pick the negative patterns of thoughts and eliminate them one-by-one.
Slowly you’ll see positive changes happen in your life. I can pretty much assure you that!
(2) Apply The “Sticky Note” Method
This method works wonders! No Joke!
The Mind generates thousands of thoughts (6 thousand) daily. This is not me speaking but a deep scientific research.
Anyway, whether it’s 6K thoughts a daily or 1K, the number is pretty insane!
How many of them are negative thoughts is only a matter of question.
I tried the Sticky Note Method while pondering on a question for some time. Answers and Intuitions would pop up at odd times and I had no means to write them down (Now I use Notes app).
So I started keeping a sticky note and a pencil to note down whenever I got inspiration/intuition about anything…
(2) You can use this method to note down negative thoughts for the day. And review them before going to bed. Following this process will help you discover faults and extensively Undo Manifestation.
But be aware! Use this method to cure rather than to rebuke yourself for the overwhelmingly negative thoughts.
If you want to step a notch a little higher you must try the Aura Envelope Technique. It’s an advanced process so give it a thought before doing it :
(3) Stop Doubting Too Much
Yes, we are humans and it’s natural to doubt a little, but situations turn bad when doubting EVERYTHING becomes a norm.
See, we are working with something that’s way above our logical understanding. Hence, what we need the most is patience and faith that things are sure to turn for the better.
Law of Attraction is a simple way of saying “I give Universe the responsibility to make my Dream/Desire come true.”
As soon as you say this the Universe goes to work with full power but it continuously checks the signals you send to it.
Doubt is one of the worst thoughts we Humans have. Doubting can create immense misery and guilt and on top of everything signals the Universe to slow down a bit.
In the beginning the Universe will slow down, and if you keep on doubting the Universe comes to a grinding halt and refuses to move.
(3) Let Go of doubt! KNOW that the Universe is hard at work and your Desires have already been fulfilled.“
(4) Observe Subtle Signs Of Manifestation (Especially Bad Ones)
The tricky thing about Manifestation is that you won’t know in the beginning whether things are turning for good or worse.
So, the easiest solution is to observe the subtle signs. Signs of whether you’re moving forward towards your desire/goal or getting sucked backward…
If you see that suddenly everything seems to be falling off, this might be a sign of Reverse Manifestation.
Quickly observe the thoughts that come during your LOA meditation. Maybe you’re unknowingly generating more negative thoughts that positive ones.
(4) Please don’t diss yourself for having negative thoughts filled with hatred, anger, etc. This is just normal and is expected to happen in the beginning.
But, eventually you’ll develop a habit of eliminating bad and damaging thoughts and replacing it with the good ones.
(5) Stay Away From Energy Vampires
Whoever coined the term “Energy Vampire” is a genius! The term fits exactly with the meaning.
(5) Energy Vampires are the type of people who suck you off your Life-Energy and give nothing in return.
In movies Vampires suck blood from their victim but here Energy Vampires suck Life-Energy.
Try to STAY AWAY from these types of people! It might seem harsh but these types of people are messed-up within themselves and wherever they go they carry this “Black Hole” kind of energy with them.
Anyone who interacts with an Energy Vampire will feel drained out (literally). As if suddenly all energy “evaporated” into thin air.
And the worst part about the majority of Energy Vampires is that they don’t want to change this attitude. Or let’s say they have a desire to change but they simply don’t “want” to because they are accustomed to this lifestyle.
This quote from Mark Twain fits perfectly in this context :
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”
– Mark Twain