Are Angel Numbers Legit
Angel Numbers

Are Angel Numbers Legit? Synchronicity Explained!

If you’re regularly seeing numbers like these: 111, 222, 333, 1111, etc, daily, then it’s time to be aware! In simple words, The Universe is trying to signal you!

It’s also called “Synchronicity.”

See, the Universe has no way to directly talk to you, so it communicates through hunches, intuitions, luck, and, you guessed it, angel numbers.

So, in this post I’ll talk about: “Are Angel Number Legit?

Hey, I’m available on Quora. Just letting you know!

Are Angel Numbers Only Three Digits?

Now, a popular misconception when someone sees repeating Numbers is Are Angel Numbers Only Three Digits?

NO! Angel Numbers can range between three to four numbers, in extremely rare cases even five.

Hence, if you start seeing numbers like 111, 1111, 11:11, etc it’s time you become aware of your surrounding, especially your thoughts.

It’s because the Universe is trying to answer the question you’ve asked!

Can Any Number Be Angel Number?

Yes, any number can be an Angel Number!

If any number between 0 and 9 repeats at least three times (000,999) that’s a clear indication that it’s an Angel Number,

That also means you’re in sync with the energy vibration of the number.

Now, I’ve seen people claiming that numbers like 800, 900, etc also signify Synchronicity. It might be, but, these numbers don’t click as hard as something like 888, 999, etc.

Just think about it, if each & every number you see becomes an Angel Number, then the real ones(111,1111,222,2222) will lose their credibility.

Are Angel Numbers & Law Of Attraction Linked?

Yes, when Manifestation is near, seeing Synchronous Number is one of the first sign.

You cannot Manifest something if the Universe doesn’t respond.

And since you already know that Synchronous Numbers are Universe’s way of communicating, it’s pretty much evident that Law of Attraction is directly linked to Angel Numbers.

Can Angel Numbers Be Bad?

Hmm, this one is a bit complex to answer!

The Universe will never try to harm you.

There are times when even a small accident can bring drastic positive changes in a person’s life.

It depends!

For a person Synchronous Number 2424 can be extremely beneficial, on the other hand an another person might get a different, a bit more negative, result.

But if you ask me, my personal experience has mostly been positive. Whenever I’ve seen these numbers: 111, 11:11, 1111 my life has taken drastic changes.

You can read the final section of this post for a deeper view :

How Long Has Synchronous Numbers Been Around?

Synchronous Numbers has been around for ages! Nobody knows exactly where Angel Numbers originated.

As I briefly mentioned, the Universe has no way to communicate so it either does through Synchronicity, Intuition, Divine Flash, Hunches, etc.

My Real Life Experience With Synchronicity

An imaginary subject feels more real when someone has personally experienced it. You might have read other stories about Synchronicity as well, so, here’s mine:

This happened in 2019 when I had no knowledge about Angel Numbers! Also back then I was a bit arrogant to fully believe in such things!

It was August and I really needed to earn some money! Unconsciously I thought of the things I would do if I had it. I was so desperate that I kept imagining, more like I was obsessed with my thoughts…

Finally, after exactly 1 week I had a strong Hunch to talk to my mom. She was looking for some job, and without giving a second thought I said: “Let me do it!

As soon as I took the job, I looked at my watch and saw 11:11. I wasn’t shocked! For me 11:11 was just a time and nothing else!

I had to complete the job within a week, but it was almost impossible! Yet I tried.

I was desperate!

For 1 week straight I saw 11:11 on either my phone, on the wall clock, television, newspaper, you name it. Then I had a feeling to search “Seeing repeated numbers.” What I discovered spent chills all over me!

I completed the job within a week without much problems.

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