Ayush Mallick (ayushmallick.com)

A Little About Me

Who Am I?

As you might already know, my name is Ayush Mallick, and I’m just a regular guy. Nothing special!

So, Why Did I Create This Website?

I’m a great believer of concepts such as Intuition, Hunches, Divine Flash, etc. And you can say that this website is the result of an intense “Divine Flash.” It was so vivid and invading that I just couldn’t ignore…

Another reason was a challenge. I challenged myself that I would change from the pessimistic person to someone who is proud of himself. Maybe the strong Intuition is somehow connected to this fact…

What Will You Receive In This Website?

In this website I’ll share my experiences (personal) on Spirituality, Experiences during Meditation, Meditation Techniques, and above all the REAL way how concepts like LOA (Law of Attraction), Manifestation, etc work.

So, What’s So Special About What I’ll Share?

I might sound a bit rude but I’ve watched countless videos on LOA (Law of Attraction) and how people have manifested ANYTHING. Of course it’s possible! I have done it too! But, what they ALWAYS forget/miss to explain is how exactly these things work. What is the core of LOA?

They only show, what I call, the Rudimentary Process (Affirmations, Journaling, etc), but never the absolute core!

Here’s What I’ve Found!

I’ve been trying and testing several methods since 2018-2019 and have found some short but EXTREMELY powerful ways that have capability to change the entire core of any persons life…And when something so Immense happens, whether it’s manifesting your favorite food or your favorite mansion, everything is the same…

What Are My Future Plans?

I have plans to design a course that will cover every aspect of the techniques I use personally.

And here are some valid reasons why I just cannot reveal it publicly:

  • No, it’s not about the financial gains! I have partially written about the techniques in my Quora answers. So, it’s not about the money.
  • It’s the risk the techniques carry.
  • The commitment!
    • Most techniques are easy but some need radical changes & not everyone can carry it on. Heck my sister and friend couldn’t continue!
  • Unfortunately most people consider free things are valueless! So When you pay for something, you’ll naturally have an urge to extract as much value as possible. Because your hard earned money is involved in it!!

I hope you understand now…

What I’ll reveal in the course is Ancient Yogic Techniques (don’t worry you won’t have to bend your body) that takes as low as 3 minutes, and you can do it anywhere (even on shower) but the result will be astounding with every passing time. You’ll experience it by yourself when you continue the practices.

Well, that’s it! I think I’m stretching this too much now! Meet you later…