Why Are Affirmations Not Working? Do Affirmations Really Work?
Why are affirmations not working for me? Every frustrated person who has failed to manifest has this feeling. Fortunately, the good thing is that they have identified the question and want an answer to this mess.
Hence, in this post, I’ll clarify why affirmations fail and how to never repeat the same mistake again.
Now, if you’re ready…Can we dive in?
Why Affirmations Don’t Work As Expected?
There could be various reasons why affirmations aren’t working out for you.
(1) You’re only treating affirmations as a chore.
(2) You are not emotionally connected to the affirmations
(3) The affirmations don’t align with your goal
(4) You aren’t putting in the work
(5) You have limiting beliefs
(6) Your affirmations sound pessimistic and not optimistic
(7) You aren’t accepting the opportunities that come to you
(8) You are associated with negative people
These are some of the reasons I have experienced while listening to affirmations and failing to manifest. You may know more reasons than this, but these are the most effective ones for me.
Also, there’s a thing called divine intervention. When you ask the Universe for answers, it answers your questions through situations. But here’s the hard part: It doesn’t have to be something that you like.
Your Subconscious Mind/Universe/God knows what’s the best for you. Something may not happen as you like, but even better than you ever expected. We have named it miracle.
Why Are Daily Affirmations Important
Logically seeing, the Subconscious Mind is a part of the Mind. It is impossibly vast and has way more information than the accessible Mind.
The Mind’s characters are pretty simple. It throws out something if it eats something. If you listen to a song repeatedly, for the next few hours or even days, the song will stay in your Mind. There seems to be no end to it.
But, if you stop listening, the song fades, and you forget it existed after a point.
This also occurs with the Subconscious Mind. If you religiously listen to or read affirmations, it remembers. And after a time you start getting suggestions in the form of visions, hunches, angel numbers, etc.
This is how affirmations work.
Does Affirmations Actually Work?
YES! Affirmations work, but there are some limitations:
- You should have belief and have faith in the process.
- You should take action whenever an opportunity comes.
- You should abandon the emotion of lack.
- You should have a predefined goal in your mind. Because if you don’t have a goal, no matter how many affirmations you listen it won’t work.
- Affirmations will only work if it’s clear. Rather than affirming “I’m rich,” you should affirm “I’m rich by doing what I love to do.”
If you have a hard time believing me, search on YouTube. Years ago, I listened to a “facial symmetry” audio and got results within 2 weeks. I used to listen to those subliminal messages for 10 hours every day.
Affirmations work, and you can find countless proofs of it if you search on YouTube and other social media platforms.
What To Do When Affirmations Don’t Work?
Congratulations! Unlike many people, you are at least aware that your affirmations aren’t working. If you know your affirmations aren’t working, it’s time to stop using them.
This is the very first step you should take. The next is to write or observe the changes you have seen in your life after you began listening to the affirmations.
Did your life get better or worse? Are you optimistic or pessimistic than before? Did you attract anything similar related to what you want to manifest?
Take your time and write everything down. The more you write, the better you’ll discover the changes.
Suppose you intuitively feel that the affirmations are delivering what you want. In that case, it’s a sign the affirmations are working fine.
On the flip side, if not, you should immediately create a new list of affirmations and start listening to them. Also, if you’re suffering from limiting subconscious beliefs, then you should include affirmations to cure them.
A Quick Solution For Successful Affirmations
Though I have answered this question before, the best and quickest solution for successful affirmations is to align your thoughts and emotions with the affirmations.
Let’s say you want to earn $100 within a week, but you want $1000 in your heart. Would listening to or uttering affirmations work? Never.
It’s because your thoughts aren’t aligned to your emotions. But there’s one more thing that is important and is as important as your thoughts and feelings/emotions.
It’s life energy.
I cannot express how important it is to conserve your life energy. Suppose you want to start a machine and everything is prepared.
But you did not apply enough power. What do you think will happen?
The machine won’t move. This is similar to what will happen if your thoughts, emotions/feelings and life energies aren’t aligned.
Not gonna lie; it’s much more complex to harness life energy than to generate thoughts and emotions. But, if you are really into it, you can read about aura.