How Many Days For Manifestation Technique To Work
LOA & Manifesting,  Subconscious Mind Programming

How Long Does It Take To Manifest?

How long will it take to manifest?

If Yes, congratulations, you’re not the only one who thinks this way!

If you don’t care about the time, then, yet again, congratulations, you’ve already crossed a major hurdle; “Patience.

In this post you’ll see how long it really takes to manifest something.

Deciding Factors

I won’t do a disservice by saying that this is how quickly you’ll manifest something!

But I’ll surely say that the factors below will play a major role in your journey.

(1) How Intensely & Effectively You’re Doing The Process

At school we were taught how a concentrated beam of sunlight can burn a hole on a piece of paper.

I don’t think there’s better example to show how “Intensity” can really affect your Manifestation.

It’s about doing a method “Effectively” rather than just doing it for the sake of it.

To be “Effective” you’ve to be “Stable.” Physically & Mentally.

Determine Your Goal

Let’s take another scenario where you’re again trying to burn a hole on a paper. You’ve the best magnifying glass, but you’re too unstable.

Every second you’re changing the spot just because the paper just won’t burn!

How long do you think it will take to burn a hole?

Your entire life?

Maybe not! But a terribly long time.

And by then you’ll just give-up!

Being “Intense” & “Effective” is extremely crucial!

(2) How Eager Are You To Manifest Something?

Law of Attraction works like charm when you’re eager.

Eager does not mean you should be too desperate! Being desperate and forcing will only push you back further from your goal.

Here’s my personal experience from 2017. I was tired of using my computer & I really needed a laptop. That too a good one!

“Sell computer at high price and buy a laptop.”

I watched countless videos on YouTube, searched on Google on how to sell computer, commented on local forums, etc…I tried almost everything! You name it…

Too Much Effort

One day, I was relaxing & suddenly a strong hunch hit me.

To my surprise I was able to sell my computer for a terrific amount.

An amount I never expected for such old computer!

If selling at a terrific price wasn’t enough, the buyer was too happy to receive the product & never complained for any issue!

I really wanted to sell my computer, and as quickly & easily as possible.

And everything fell into place automatically!

No hassle!

Don’t forget to visit my Quora page. You can ask me questions there!

(3) How Is Your Subconscious Mind Programmed

This is a crucial one!

You probably already know how crucial is the Subconscious Mind.

This invisible entity can either make or break you life!

If you have control over your Conscious, you can easily access the Subconscious.

If you’ve have unconsciously programmed yourself to be negative, then there’s a high chance that you’ll have problems with manifestation, or worse, you’ll attract only bad things.

I have covered deeply about how to program the Subconscious Mind the right way. You can check it out :

Does Instant Manifestation Really Work?

Yes Instant Manifestation Works.

If you read the “How Eager Are You To Manifest Something? ” section, you’ll know that it works.

Unfortunately, people have a fallacy that “Instant Manifestation” means it’ll work within a second.

I’m not claiming it’s impossible, but how many people are capable?

If you have something already in your Mind, it’s already materialized (thoughts are things).

But, it needs some time for it to materialize in reality.

The level of concentrated energy required for instant manifestation is immeasurable!

Ancient Indians, Egyptians, Mesopotamians were able to do it because they had immensely strong Mind & Life Energy!

Nowadays, we have stepped down from “instant” to “21 days.”

The end catch about Instant Manifestation is that on paper it’s possible to manifest something instantly, but reality is completely different from what we perceive.

To Conclude

The simple & straight answer to this question is that it “Depends.” Yeah, a person who is insanely eager to manifest their desire may end-up manifesting it under 24 hours.

On the other hand, if there’s someone who is just aware, but does not give much thought, he/she may take, who knows, years to manifest.

In my situation I’ve experienced both. My friends also have experienced both…And this is the harsh reality!

We prioritize our thoughts & also the life-energy we spend. The more energy you spend on a Desire/Goal, the quicker it manifests!

It’s an Universal Law! It’s just like growing a tree. The better you take care of it, the healthier it grows.

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