Third Eye Chakra Meditation
LOA & Manifesting,  Spirituality

5-Steps To Use Third Eye For Instant Manifestation (ADVANCED)

The LOA technique I’m going to talk about is not similar to other “Third Eye” Law of Attraction methods.

In fact I’ve tested it myself before revealing this here…

Law of Attraction(LOA), Manifestation, Affirmation, Subliminal Messages, Subconscious Mind are all branches of the energy sphere!

So, today I’m going to reveal the so-called Third Eye Manifestation Technique but before that please know this:

This is an advanced technique!
Please practice at your own risk!

If you’re still only 99% ready and want to hear some good news, then this is it:

The process is not complex! Rather, it’s simple and you can complete within minutes with good concentration.

The Practice

If you not familiar with the location of the Third Eye, look at the image below to get a good idea:

All Chakra In Human Body

The Third Eye is located between the eyebrow.

Fun fact:
Only the Third Eye and Crown Chakra is physically located human body.

Step 1

Sit comfortably erect. Don’t strain! Just sit freely. Your spinal cord should be like a hanging cloth.

You can also sit on a chair or lay down. But, the spinal should be freely erect no matter what.

Step 2

Calm you Mind!

Observing the breath the best way to calm your Mind.

Observe the breath and don’t try to control it.

You’re free to practice any other method if it fits with you.

Step 3

After the Mind is calm, check your posture again.

See whether you’re still holding your posture.

Posture intact, mind calm. Great! You’re already halfway through the technique!


(1) Slowly shift your attention between your eyebrows. There’s where the Third Eye is!

If you’re finding it hard to focus do this:

Keeping your neck straight slightly open your eyes and look at the ground. Your eyes may hurt and it’s suppose to in the beginning. If it’s too painful, close your eyes and wait for some time.

Try again, and eventually you’ll feel a pressing sensation between your brows.

As soon as you feel a sensation, stop looking at the ground.

Now maintain the sensation. With practice you’ll be able to feel sensation anytime you desire.

(2) Maintaining focus on the Third Eye start visualizing the thoughts you want to manifest.

How would you feel if your desire was already a reality? AMAZING? FEEL IT! Make it as real as possible.

(3) Take your time. Don’t forget to keep the sensation between the brows.

(4) All your thoughts, feelings, visualization are now accumulated in the Third Eye.

The Third Eye is pulsating with your Desire & Thought Energy!

(5) A Beam of White Light (like a laser) projects straight from the Third Eye(between the eyebrows).

The white light pierces through everything. Nothing can stop it! representing how your thoughts are so powerful and intense.

(6) The white light was your Thought Energy that has now entered the Infinite Horizon. The Universe!

The Universe now has no choice but to start working to fulfill your Desire.

Be always ready to receive a message from the Universe!

Final Step

DON’T abruptly open your eyes!

Sit in calmness and stillness!

Feel a subtle sense of calmness because the Universe is already at work to address your desire. It has no option but to reply to you!

The final step is to stay Aware as much as possible.

The Universe communicates directly through Intuition, Hunches, Divine Flashes, Opportunities. If you’re not calm, you might end-up missing the Universe’s answer!

You can use note-taking apps or go old-school with a small notepad and a pencil.

Be always ready to receive suggestions from the Universe!

Your food gets served when you’re least expecting it!

Great too see you to make this far! I’m available on Quora. Come let’s have a discussion!

Sharing is Gratitude...

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