Can Intuition Be Wrong
LOA & Manifesting

How To Know If An Intuition Is Good For You? Can Intuition Be Wrong?

Human nature is so peculiar! We tend to question everything when situations don’t work in our favor, but also ask questions when things work in our favor too much.

The question “Can Intuition Be Wrong” is the birthchild of this logical thinking! I feel Intuition connects us Human Being with the non-physical nature of existence. Or better say “Intuition” or “Divine Inspiration” is the bridge between the physical and non-physical.

Here’s my take on whether you can trust Divine Flash, Inspiration, etc.

Can Intuition Be Wrong?

Intuition is the type of friend who only talks the truth. He/She is a visionary!

Unfortunately the worse part is that this friend also doesn’t say whether we should follow his/her suggestion. You are free to ignore or follow.

Hence, it becomes extremely hard to decide whether we should follow our Intuition or just ignore it. And this is where conscious thinking and applying a little logic comes into play.

Let’s take a simple example!

A businessman desperately wants to expand his business. He continuously ponders for a good decision that’ll make him handsome gains in the future.

After thinking for a period of time, an “inspiration” hits him like a lightning bolt. What should he do now? Should he just become reckless and start taking decisions without thinking about the future? His entire company is at stake!

So, the best decision would be to accept this intuition and apply a little logic into it.

Finally after thinking a little more, he takes the decision and ends-up making handsome money.

This example explains how Intuition is right but it also vastly depends on how much action you take to make it a reality…

The best example is Steve Jobs. The idea of “Apple” struck him, and he set out on a journey. He had to face immense hurdles. The man is long gone, but his dream and inspiration is still here.

How To Know If You Should Follow An Intuition?

It’s hard to blindly trust an intuitive flash because there’s no guarantee it’ll work. Though the suggestions are spot-on accurate most of the time.

There can be times when a strong intuition cause more negative than the positives…

So what’s the solution to this predicament? How to know whether you should follow the suggestion?

The first and foremost indication is that it won’t happen just one time. Usually divine inspirations are so subtle that most of the time we don’t just skip it and don’t take it seriously…

But when a decision is really good for you the inspirations will keep on coming. Not at the same pace of a flickering LED, but maybe twice or thrice a day for quite many days.

If something like this happens, then you should take action as soon as possible.

The second indication is that you’ll KNOW.

Yeah, it’s something as rudimentary as “I KNOW.

Difference Between Intuition And Instinct

What do you think is the basic difference between Intuition and Instinct?

Here’s what Google says when I search the meaning of:

Instinct: An innate, typically fixed pattern of behavior in animals in response to certain stimuli.

Intuition: The ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.

You get the point? That’s why whenever we talk about Instinct, it’s “Animal Instinct,” and not “Human Instinct.”

Intuitive ability, on the other hand is something that requires little to no “conscious reasoning.” Like an expert bike rider who doesn’t need too much focus while riding because it’s ingrained in his Subconscious!

Similarly there are subtler layers of Intuition which we can easily access either through certain techniques or through constant research on a subject.

To conclude, Intuition is way more powerful and accurate than Instinct.

Let me put it this way:

Instinct is more Left Brained (Logical).

Intuition is Right Brained (Emotional).

Are Women More Intuitive Than Men?

Have you ever heard this:

Women are Right-Brained and Men are Left-Brained.

I suppose you already have the answer to this question!

Women are in every way more Intuitive than Men because they are Right-Brained (Emotional). Men are Left-Brained (Logical) because of evolution.

Men went to hunt and it required measurements and calculations. Years of evolution made Men more logical, hence Left-Brained.

On the other hand, women, especially when they were pregnant used to stay at home and took care of themselves and her baby. This subtle and fragile nature made her emotional and Right-Brained.

I hope you get it!!

You can connect with me directly on Quora.

Can Intuition Predict Future?

Whether “Divine Flash” can predict future is a controversial subject. A strictly logical person will say that “it’s impossible,” while a person who is more emotion driven will say “it’s possible” or “it may be possible.”

The truth is that Yes, in some cases Intuition can predict future.

This is pretty common between a Mother and her child. Many a times you might have heard that a Mother sensed that something “wrong” was going to happen to child.

And something did end up happening. Now, she unconsciously predicted the future! She never “saw” the future, but she got an ominous feeling.

Yes, it’s possible to literally see the future. Someone who has gone through an intense yogic process can develop Intuition powerful enough to literally predict the future spot-on.

Can You Master Intuition? (IMPORTANT)

Yes, you can learn and master Intuition.

It may seem complicated, but trust me the process is easy! The only thing you’ll need is a little patience and dedication.

Since this topic is too vast, I suggest you to read this post that is entirely focused on how to train and master Intuition.

Famous People Who Were/Are Intuitive

Now that we have reached the end, here are some more proofs that Intuitions do really work.

Probably the most famous personality is non other than Steve Jobs. After struggling for quite few years he had a strong divine inspiration about a company named “Apple.” He was at a temple in India.

Similarly J.K Rowling creator of Harry Potter series has also talked about how she got the “idea” of the characters Harry Potter and others while waiting for her train.

But one thing that most people fail to understand is that even if you get a divine flash, everything goes to waste if you don’t take any action.

That’s how powerful “Taking Action” is! That’s why you’ll often hear about people who just took action and eventually things turned out for their favor.

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